South Dakota Housing Development Authority has announced its twenty-sixth annual statewide Housing Conference. The conference will consist of educational sessions and networking opportunities, among other things. Registration and agenda will be available at a later date. When: October 25-26, 2016 Where: Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center in Pierre
Iowa Finance Authority has published its Draft 2017 QAP. A redline version, as well as an overview of changes are also available. The following include some of the significant changes…
The Multifamily Finance Division of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs will hold a Roundtable to gather input for the 2017 Qualified Allocation Plan (“QAP”) on Friday, July 15, 2016, from 9:00 AM until noon, Austin local time in Room 2.102 of the Thompson Center, 2405 East Campus Drive. Registration for the Roundtable […]
The conference will include speakers from across Delaware and the region sharing the latest trends, best practices and information that impact the affordable housing industry.
The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority Real Estate Production Team will be visiting each of the four regions of Indiana to host annual outreach meetings. These meetings are intended to provide an overview of IHCDA programs and gather feedback from communities and IHCDA partners on local housing and community development needs, challenges and policy.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee has recently posted a list of applications received for the second round of competitive tax credits. Applicants are encouraged to check the list to ensure they are on it. If you do not see your application on the list, or there is an error, you should contact your regional […]
The 2016 Housing Iowa Conference, hosted by the Iowa Finance Authority, is an opportunity to join an anticipated 600 Iowa housing professionals for professional development, networking, awards and more.
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) has released its 2016 NOFA for the new Mental Health Housing funds. This is a new funding source with differing requirements and scoring from other OHCS funding programs. A scoring committee will competitively score 4 sections of the application.
A webinar event will take place on Wednesday July 13, 2016, beginning at 1:00 p.m. EST.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee Application Information page has been updated…
The meeting will be held at 725 Summer St NE, in Conference Room 124. You may join the meeting by phone using the following dial-in information…
National Low Income Housing Coalition’s national Housing Trust Fund (HTF) website——now includes allocation plan information for each state. The documents listed include draft allocation plans, notices of public comment periods, submitted comment letters, and state-specific advocacy resources prepared by NLIHC. Each state’s page also lists contact information for the State Designated Entity (SDE) responsible for […]