Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Washington

Washington Releases Proposed Changes to 2017 Bond/Tax Credit Program Policies

While a redlined document is still forthcoming, the summary document, intended for discussion purposes, outlines the changes.

QAP Texas

Texas Hosts Multifamily Direct Loan Rule Roundtable Sept. 22

The purpose of the Roundtable is to gather stakeholder input as the Department creates a new rule to govern Multifamily Direct Loan Program activities.

QAP California

California Posts 2016 Second Round Preliminary Recommendations

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee recently released its preliminary allocation recommendations / rankings for 9% set-asides, 9% geographic regions, and tax-exempt bond projects. These items will be discussed at the next CTCAC Meeting.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Posts Final Draft 2017 QAP

A summary of the most recent public comments as well as OHFA’s responses have also been made available. Several changes were made to the QAP as a result of the most recent comments.

QAP Arizona

Arizona Hosts Cost Containment Focus Group Sept. 9th

The Arizona Department of Housing plans to hold two additional focus groups to discuss cost containment measures to consider for inclusion in the second draft of the 2017 QAP.

QAP Washington

Washington: Save the Dates Proposed Bond/4% Policy Changes

Washington State Housing Finance Commission has announced the following stakeholder meetings to discuss proposed changes to the 2017 Bond/4% tax credit policies and funding rounds.

QAP South Dakota

South Dakota Housing Conference Announced Oct. 25-26

The conference is scheduled for October 25-26, 2016, at the Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center in Pierre.

QAP Oregon

Oregon Releases LIFT NOFA, Applications Due Oct. 31st

This past Friday, Oregon Housing and Community Services released the NOFA for its Local Innovation and Fast Track (LIFT) program.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Extends Due Date: Bonds and Gap Financing NOFA, due Sept. 30th

KHC is making available a combined total of $19.2 million of KHC’s Equity Bridge Loan, HOME Program, NHTF, and AHTF monies through a Notice of Funding Availability.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana: FEMA Offering Repairs to Multifamily Housing

FEMA can pay for repairs and improvements to multi-family housing, such as apartment complexes, if a property owner agrees to temporarily house disaster survivors for up to 18 months.

QAP Virginia

Virginia Releases Summary of Proposed Changes for 2017 QAP, Hearing Sept. 20th

Virginia Housing Development Authority has released a summary of changes for the 2017 QAP.

QAP Texas

Texas Seeks Input Regarding Proposed Changes to QAP

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (the “Department”) is seeking input from the public for possible amendments to the 2017 Qualified Allocation Plan and Uniform Multifamily Rules through an online forum.

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