Governor Kate Brown today appointed Margaret Salazar as Director of Oregon Housing and Community Services.
The NOFA is designed to provide funding to financially distressed projects awarded 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) through the 2015 LIHTC Funding Round that are located in Ike-Gustav designated parishes.
The Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition will host their 16th Annual Membership Meeting and Housing Awards Program.
The proposed QAP includes a requirement for an equal number of new construction and rehabilitation, among other changes.
Give and get feedback on utility companies’ Act 129 energy efficiency programs for future program planning.
The California Natural Resources Agency has recently posted a draft document titled “Vibrant Communities and Landscapes: a Vision for California in 2050.”
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee will hold 4 public hearings from October 4-7 to discuss changes to the QAP. Read on for a summary of QAP changes.
Registration is now open and sponsorship opportunities are available.
The draft 2017 Qualified Allocation Plan was approved by OHFA’s Multifamily Committee and will be reviewed by the full board on September 21, 2016.
Florida Housing, after receiving public comment, has made several changes to RFA 2016-109 SAIL Financing of Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments to be used in conjunction with Tax-Exempt Bonds and Non-Competitive Housing Credits.
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (“TDHCA”) is seeking input from the public for possible amendments to the 2017 Post Award and Asset Management rules through an online forum.
The Colorado Housing and Finance Authority plans to post a redlined first draft of its 2017 QAP on or before September 30th.