Interested parties are encouraged to review the existing QAP and submit comments about any changes needed to ensure that competing applications are prioritized in the way that best serves Vermonters’ most pressing needs.
Dirrane is the longest-serving Board Member in MassHousing’s 50-year history.
Changes include slight modifications to set-asides as well as scoring criteria.
The Council welcomes and encourages public input.
Of particular note is that there will be no application deficiency period this year as well as some changes to scoring methodology.
Washington State Housing Finance Commission has released proposed changes to Bond and Tax Credit policies. Read on for a summary of some significant changes.
To date, $179 million has been awarded to 45 developments in two application cycles. The next Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) is estimated to be released in November.
IHCDA invites you to join the agency on October 21, 2016 at 2:00 in the afternoon for a statewide celebration commemorating the 30 year anniversary of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program.
The NOFA is designed to provide funding to financially distressed projects awarded 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) through the 2015 LIHTC Funding Round that are located in Ike-Gustav designated parishes.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency is hosting an event to go over the new 2017 QAP, how to apply for housing credits in 2017, and emerging housing issues in Ohio. General questions regarding the QAP will also be answered.
A Public Hearing will be held on October 11th, and comment letters are due by November 10, 2016.
A few significant changes were made from the first draft.