Due to volatility in the equity markets, the funds previously reserved for this round are being redirected to prior Housing Development Assistance Program projects that face unanticipated funding shortages.
The agenda for the meeting will include discussing Dispersion and Underserved Areas.
The Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Round I Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) has been updated to reflect an increase in the available contract rent from the 50% Area Median Income Rent to the applicable HUD Fair Market Rent, or a higher-approved rent in accordance with Section 8 requirements.
This proposed Budget confirms the Governor’s resolve to work with the Legislature to address the state’s housing shortage and affordability pressures.
WHEDA’s on-line LIHTC application – LOLA – is now available for the 2017 cycle.
Read on for instructions regarding the pre-application process.
Registration is required and due two weeks prior to the training; walk-in registrations will not be accepted.
The scoring criteria in the 2018 QAP and other general items will be up for discussion.
Rhode Island has released an RFP for the HOME Investment Partnership Program and anticipates being able to award $3M.
Up to $32,549,905 in Multifamily Direct Loan funding for the development of affordable multifamily rental housing for low-income Texans is available to for-profit and nonprofit entities that meet the requirements of the NOFA and HUD’s HOME requirements.
Arizona’s 2017 QAP requires that property managers attend ADOH approved compliance training annually, while developers and consultants are required to attend a minimum of every 5 years.
A message from JD Bondurant, Director of LIHTC Programs.