The final regulation was published February 23, 2017, and is unchanged from the revised proposed regulations discussed in this article.
Oregon will forgo issuing a 2017 LIHTC and HOME NOFA, focusing instead on 2016.
The course also provides 6 hours of continuing education credit for the Specialist in Housing Credit Management (SHCM), the Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designations.
A bill introduced in Missouri’s state Senate threatens to drastically reduce the annual cap on the state’s historic tax credit program. Read on to find out how you can help defend the credit.
Read on for a summary of changes.
Comments are due to Mark Stivers by February 17th at 5pm
Intent to apply documentation is due by February 14.
The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) seeks stakeholder input as it develops a 2017-2020 Strategic Plan.
Florida Housing will hold a workshop on Tuesday, February 28, at 2:00 p.m. to discuss the RFA.
A previously mentioned hybrid 4%/9% policy change is now being proposed for 2016 second round projects to help address changes in the equity market.
The public is invited to attend a free (40-hour) CPTED training during the week of February 13-17, 2017 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The CPTED training promotes safer communities through physical design.
Temporary rules for the Local Innovation and Fast Track (LIFT) program expire on March 10, 2017.