As a reminder, Market Study requests for the October 2, 2017 LIHTC Funding Round are due to MSHDA no later than Monday, July 17, 2017.
The mother-daughter duo star in the HGTV show “Good Bones” about the company’s efforts rehabilitating homes in Indianapolis.
Approximately $2.7 million is available in non-targeted credits
The Agency asks that interested parties review the list of applications to ensure their application was received.
The QAP first draft is expected to be released by August 18, 2017.
The 20 year Housing Revenue Bond is expected to help pay for the development or rehabilitation of up to 650 homes (both ownership and rental).
Minnesota Housing will receive $3,118,428 from the National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Federal Fiscal Year 2017.
Following a recent listening tour, Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development has begun work on revising its QAP.
The Multifamily Guidelines and scoring workbook for the 2018 Housing Credit funding round are now available on Kentucky Housing Corporation’s (KHC) website as well as the updated market study requirements and summary information table.
Online registration is now open.
The second draft makes some clarification changes regarding Set-Asides and Threshold requirements and a significant number of scoring changes.
Join Illinois Housing Council on June 28 for an affordable housing development stakeholder meeting hosted by the ComEd® Energy Efficiency Program.