The Ohio Housing Finance Agency’s (OHFA) Compliance Training focuses primarily on the basics of compliance for the Housing Tax Credit program.
By Tuesday, August 22, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency plans to release a draft of their 2018 Affordable Housing Plan.
There will be a total of four summits in cities across the state; registration and lunch provided at no cost.
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority has posted the annual Management Agent Certification Process for the 2018 Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program.
Oregon Housing and Community Services has released its Veterans Housing Notice of Funding Availability with minor clerical changes shown in redline.
The pilot program must include rental assistance, access to maternal and child health care services, social service supports and activities to foster long-term housing stability.
Read on for a summary of changes.
Phone numbers and website will remain the same.
Kentucky Housing Corporation has released a Draft HTF Allocation Plan and is receiving public comment through August 15, 2017.
Please join CHFA and representatives from other agencies for a discussion on the 2017 QAP, the LIHTC application process and new Guidelines.
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation has recently proposed a change to its National Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan which would allow for rehabilitation projects within the municipality of Anchorage.
This posting provides updates to the log posted on July 12, 2017, to reflect revisions resulting from actions taken at the TDHCA Governing Board meeting of July 13, 2017, as well as other actions.