Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Oregon

Oregon Hosts Live Q&A Session on LIHTC, LIFT, HUD 811 and More 11/20

Oregon Housing and Community Services will be hosting an open partner meeting with the Multifamily and Asset Management & Compliance sections of OHCS. 

QAP Maryland

Maryland Prepares for Tax Reform, Potential to Issue Additional Bonds in 2017

If PABs are eliminated through Federal Tax Reform, only developments that secure TEFRA approval prior to the issuance of PABs would be eligible for tax-exempt bond and 4% LIHTC financing in 2018 and beyond.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Invests Additional $33.8 Million Towards Affordable Rental Opportunities

On November 8, the Louisiana Housing Corporation Board of Directors decided to invest an additional $33.8 to produce and preserve affordable multi-family rental properties in designated areas impacted by disaster.

QAP Connecticut

Connecticut Hosts Workshop on State Housing Tax Credit Contribution Program 12/5

The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) is hosting an overview session for applicants to get general information about the HTCC Program including information regarding the guidelines and rating and ranking.

QAP Colorado

Colorado Publishes Info Regarding Potential Loss of Tax Exempt Bonds

In response to the House Republican Tax Cuts and Jobs Act H.R. 1 released on November 2, 2017, CHFA has published information to assist multifamily transactions.

QAP California

California Prepares for Tax Reform, Potential to Issue Additional Bonds in 2017

While hoping for the best, CDLAC is preparing a “dual track” strategy to prepare for the possible elimination of the Private Activity Bond Program through federal tax reform.

QAP Wisconsin

Wisconsin Amends QAP to Account for Rising Construction Costs

In response to the rising construction costs, WHEDA will be increasing the Credit Usage scoring ranges (category 13) for the 2018 LIHTC application cycle.

QAP Texas

Texas Releases List of Properties Eligible for Sec. 811 PRA Program

If a 2018 Multifamily Program applicant is intending to participate in the Section 811 PRA Program through using an Existing Development in their portfolio, the Existing Development they select should be reflected on this list.

QAP New Jersey

Executive Director Anthony Marchetta Announces Exit from New Jersey HFA

During his 7-year tenure, NJHMFA oversaw the financing and creation of over 38,000 new or improved housing opportunities.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Seeks Feedback for 2020 QAP

In preparation for the 2020 update of our Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) for Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Minnesota Housing has created a timeline for developing potential changes, clarifications, and enhancement to its QAP. The state is seeking feedback from stakeholders on several issues.

QAP Massachusetts

Massachusetts Releases Winter 2018 NOFA

New this year, is the introduction of the Affordable Housing Preservation and Development Fund (AHPD).

QAP Alabama

Alabama Requests Story Leads from Developers

The News & Events Request goes to all developers and multifamily partners in an effort to publish the latest in affordable housing in Alabama.

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