Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Missouri

Missouri Ends State Housing Tax Credits

Housing advocates say the decision will only exacerbate the state’s affordable housing need.

QAP Connecticut

Connecticut Releases NOFA for Properties in State-Sponsored Housing Portfolio, Apps Due 4/27

The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) is directed to owners of properties in the State-Sponsored Housing Portfolio seeking funding from the Department of Housing (DOH) and/or the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA).

QAP Arizona

Arizona Governor Ducey Approves 2018 QAP, Workshop 1/23

Developers (or their Co-Developer or Consultant) who plan to submit an application in the 2018 round must attend the annual training. 

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana NOFA: $33 Million Available in CDBG-DR for Flood Recovery, Apps Due March 16

This program is designed to fund projects that create or preserve affordable multifamily rental housing across Louisiana. 

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota LIHTC Round 2 Apps Due 1/31

There is approximately $881,000 in tax credits available; $300,000 in the Rural Development/Small Project set-aside (RD set-aside) and $581,000 in the unified pool.

QAP New Hampshire

New Hampshire Releases Design and Construction Standards for Rehabilitation

These standards apply to multifamily properties being refinanced through NHHFA or are being acquired through NHHFA financing.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Releases Updated Underwriting Guidelines

This guide reconciles the developer fee calculation, 6-2-6 rules, and “Substantial Rehabilitation” definition to what was previously released in the Qualified Allocation Plan.

QAP Tennessee

Tennessee Hosts Online Annual Certification Training 1/25

On Thursday, January 25, 2017, THDA will conduct on-line Owner’s Annual Certification (“OAC”) submission training using the Housing Credit Management System, more commonly known as HCMS.

QAP Texas

Texas Posts Online Forum to Discuss 2019 QAP

Staff has created an online forum for the 2019 QAP Project Plan.

QAP Virginia

Virginia Hosts LIHTC Workshops

Registration is now available for VHDA’s LIHTC Workshops across the state during the month of January.

Trent Brooks Named President of RED Mortgage Capital, LLC, to lead the Firm’s Growth and Product Diversification Strategies

Mr. Brooks joined RED on December 11th as President of RED Mortgage Capital, LLC and National Head of Production. With more than 30 years of executive leadership experience in the Multifamily housing industry, he has long-term relationships with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA in his support of Affordable, Workforce, Conventional, Green and Small Balance Housing finance programs.

QAP Texas

Texas Posts Application Webinar for 2018 QAP

Posted are the recorded webinar, a pdf version of the webinar slides with staff notes, and a pdf version of the Utility Allowance Presentation.

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