Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Tennessee

Tennessee LIHTC Apps Due 3/1, THDA Posts Reminders

This year, Tennessee’s competitive LIHTC applications must be submitted via the new THOMAS online system. Continue reading for tips and reminders regarding this process.

QAP Oregon

Oregon Housing Releases LIHTC and HOME FAQs

As a reminder, any questions related to the NOFAs must be submitted by email per the NOFA instructions and announcement.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Accepting Suggestions on Opportunity Zones (Due March 2)

ODSA requests nominators provide their contact information and identify the census tract by number, as well as a brief narrative about economic activity, current or committed, in the tract.

QAP Massachusetts

Massachusetts Releases NOFA: Community Scale Housing Initiative Competition

The Initiative provides up to $10 million to fund the development of small affordable housing projects for small cities and towns throughout Massachusetts. Read on for a summary of requirements and dates.

QAP Maryland

Baltimore, MD: RFP for Regional Project-Based Voucher Program

Proposals must be received by BMC no later than 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4, 2018. Successful applicants may be eligible for scoring incentives in the upcoming 2018 competitive round of Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) awards.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Hosts QAP Developer Forum, RSVP by March 2

All multifamily developers, consultants, investors, or other interested parties are invited to attend this forum in Frankfort, KY.

QAP Indiana

Indiana Announces 2018 Housing Tax Credit Recipients

The 17 projects selected combined for just over $14.4 million in tax credits and $5.5 million in additional funding from the Development Fund, HOME and Housing Trust Fund.

QAP Indiana

Indiana Seeks Opportunity Zone Designations

Governor Eric J. Holcomb is asking citizens, developers, investors and government and community leaders to recommend census tracts for federal designation as Opportunity Zones. The goal of this new federal program, created by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, is to revitalize low-income communities with tax incentives that encourage investment and job creation. The […]

QAP Indiana

Indiana Releases HOME Supplemental Round Application (App. Updated 2/26)

IHCDA’S HOME Investment Partnership Program Supplemental Round Policy and Application are now available on IHCDA’s HOME webpage, including a recent update from Feb. 26th to the Application. Schedule: March 2018 – Application Webianr April 23, 2018 – Applications Due June 28, 2018 – HOME Awards Announced

QAP Indiana

Indiana Extends Timeframe for Market Analysts to Become NCHMA Certified (4/30)

On October 16, 2017, IHCDA published modifications to the new Market Study Providers Guidelines. As one of the modifications, IHCDA stated that as of January 1, 2018, all firms and individuals that wish to submit market studies for any program administered by IHCDA will be required to be members of NCHMA and to be certified […]

QAP Texas

Texas Hosts Income Determination Training March 1

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (“TDHCA”) will conduct an Income Determination Training in Longview, on Thursday, March 1, 2018, at 9 a.m., Longview local time, at Community Healthcore, located at 501 Pine Tree Road. This training is an updated version of the training commonly known as “First Thursday” Training and will cover […]

QAP Tennessee

Tennessee Hosts Multifamily Owner/Developer Meeting Feb. 27

Tennessee Housing Development Agency is hosting its second meeting for owners and developers of multifamily housing properties in Tennessee on Tuesday, February 27th at 10:30 A.M. CST at the Southwest Tennessee Development District Office, 102 E. College Street in Jackson. Up for discussion inlcudes talking points for the next qualified allocation plan and current multifamily […]

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