Read on for a summary of the FAQ document.
This allows for the two credits to be decoupled, allowing investors to transfer state credits separate from federal LIHTCs. The entity or person receiving the state credit would also not need to have any ownership interest in the LIHTC development.
The meeting is available to join by phone.
Applications for the funding round are due by the June 1, 2018 funding round deadline.
Waiver requests are due by April 18, 2018 and pre-application meetings are optional.
The document answers technical questions about income averaging, makes recommendations for how states can implement income averaging, and identifies issues states should consider.
This training is led by TDHCA compliance staff and provides a solid foundation of information that owners, managers and on-site staff need to know to be in compliance with requirements for the HTC program.
A revised application log will be posted soon.
THDA announces availability of $3,160,279 to award under its FY2017 National Housing Trust Fund Program Description.
Registration opens in July with a special early-bird rate.
This annual event enables tax credit developers to maintain their certifications.
Registration is currently open for the 2018 Multi-Family Housing Conference with the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority.