Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Makes $14.2 Million in Funds Available for 2019 Tax Exempt Bonds, Responses Due Sept. 27

Through this NOFA, KHC is making available a combined total of $14.2 million of KHC’s Equity Bridge Loan (EBL), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF), and National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) funds.

QAP Kansas

Kansas Announces Housing Trust Funds for 4% / Bond and Standalone Projects

The amount requested is not limited. However, proposals will be reviewed for cost reasonableness, the need for gap funding, and other underwriting and subsidy layering criteria. The application deadline is October 17.

QAP Oregon

Oregon Seeks Input on Funding Plans for Expanded Doc Recording Fees, Survey Due July 3

Stakeholders are invited to share needs and weigh in with suggestions on how these new resources should be prioritized.

QAP Connecticut

Connecticut Open to Consider Income Averaging for Already Approved Projects

CHFA will accept proposals for utilizing income averaging in applications that are under consideration, have already been approved or awarded by CHFA’s Board of Directors, or have already initial closed, subject to a list of requirements.

QAP Colorado

Colorado Hosts 2019 QAP Public Hearings Sept. – Oct.

CHFA will hold four public hearings in Colorado in order to receive input on the Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) for the LIHTC program and to discuss proposed changes to the QAP for the upcoming year.

QAP California

California Posts Hybrid Project Guidance

 The guidance includes a hypothetical developer fee calculation as well as dives into several other issues.

QAP Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Releases Income Averaging Interim Guidance

The Agency will be revising the upcoming Allocation Plan to address Income Averaging in Tax Credit applications submitted in the future. For the most part, current projects are not able to apply for income averaging.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Hosts QAP Public Forum July 10, Comments Due Aug. 1

Read on for a summary of proposed major changes to the QAP.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Releases Proposed Income Averaging Policy, Comments Aug. 1

OHFA is also evaluating whether pre-2018 developments will be eligible for this option.

QAP Michigan

Michigan Posts Income Averaging Guidance

A memorandum dated June 13, 2018 and titled “Income Averaging Guidance” has been posted to the LIHTC Recent Updates page of the MSHDA website. 

QAP Michigan

Michigan Releases Gap Financing Program NOFA

The Gap Financing Program NOFA is designed to improve MSHDA’s direct-lending production and to assist with being able to finance tax-exempt bond transactions utilizing the 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credit.

QAP Arizona

Arizona Seeks Comment on Income Averaging for 2019 QAP, Comments Due July 13

The Department will not be implementing income averaging for any projects awarded through the 2018 QAP.

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