Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Michigan

Michigan Releases Notice of Funding for Oct. Round

The Excel version of the 2019-2020 LIHTC Program Application has also been updated. This update fixes some income averaging formulae, and also contains updated rents.

QAP Illinois

Illinois Expands Historic Tax Credit to Entire State

A total of $15,000,000 in tax credits per year are available from 2019 to 2023.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Hosts Housing Development Finance Professional Certification, Sept. 25-28

The National Development Council’s (NDC) Housing Development Finance Professional (HDFP) certification series will be held in Lexington, Kentucky at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel.

QAP Florida

Florida Posts Total Development Cost Limits for 2018-19

The Housing Credit Geographic RFA Workshop to be held on August 9, 2018.

QAP Colorado

Colorado Maintains Original Application Schedule, Round 1 Letters of Intent Due Jan. 2

Given the importance of early notification of date changes, CHFA staff will continue to research opportunities to improve the 2020 LIHTC rounds and will communicate any changes by the end of 2018.

QAP California

California Issues Guidance Regarding Project Reserve Accounts

For reservations of tax credits received in or after 1997, unexpended reserve accounts must remain with the property for the benefit of the property or residents save for one exception, regardless of what a limited partnership agreement says.

QAP Maryland

Maryland Amends 2018 QAP for Income Averaging

Any project which has already executed a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Covenant for LIHTC and wishes to amend the Covenant to incorporate the Income Averaging Set Aside prior to execution of IRS Form 8609 would need to receive approval from CD.

QAP Wisconsin

Wisconsin Makes Improvements to Contractors Loan Guarantee Program

Improvements include expanded eligibility, reduced fees, and a streamlined application process.

QAP Texas

Texas Posts Awards and Waiting List for 2018 Competitive Housing Tax Credit Cycle

This posting updates the award and waiting list published on Monday, July 23, 2018, to include information regarding underwriting reports completed since that posting. Applications identified as “Recommended” on the list were awarded HTC on Thursday, July 26, 2018.

QAP Texas

Texas Amends 2018 Multifamily Direct Loan NOFA, Apps Due Nov. 30

The maximum per application request in all three set-asides has increased: $4 million for new construction and $3 million for rehabilitation under the General set-aside, $2 million regardless of the type of construction under the Supportive Housing/Soft Repayment set-aside, and $4 million regardless of the type of construction under the Community Housing Development Organization (“CHDO”) set-aside.

QAP Tennessee

Tennessee Hosts Housing Trust Fund Application Webinar and Workshop

THDA is hosting an application webinar and workshop for the 2019 Fall Round of the Tennessee Housing Trust Fund Competitive Grants program on August 9 and 13. The content will be the same for both.

QAP Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Hosts Multifamily Pre-Application Meeting, Registration Deadline Aug. 3

A Pre-Application Meeting for Multifamily Housing Programs has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 7, 2018 in Harrisburg. 

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