Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP Illinois

Illinois Draft LIHTC Manual

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) released a draft Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Manual for Owners and Agents of IHDA financed properties. Comments are due to kostberg@ihda.org by Sunday, March 31. This manual is intended to: clarify compliance requirements and facilitate their consistent application streamline related processes and documents promote a smart compliance […]

QAP California

TCAC Consent Forms and Agreements

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) released a memo describing how TCAC processes requests for consent to assign reservations of credit; consent to assign carryover allocations; changes to the applicant and general partners at the time the project ownership structure is formed; resyndications: regulatory agreement assignment, standstill agreement, subordination agreement; and other similar consents.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky 2020 Multifamily Guidelines and Scoring Workbook Now Available 

In preparation for the 2020 competitive Housing Credit funding round, Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) made clarifications and revisions to the multifamily guidelines and scoring workbook. Email multifamily@kyhousing.org with questions.

QAP North Dakota

North Dakota QAP Hearing – March 28

North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) will hold Public Hearings for the 2020 LIHTC QAP and the 2019 National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Allocation Plan on March 28, 2019. The LIHTC hearing will begin at 10 a.m. CT and the HTF hearing at 11 a.m. CT. The hearings will be held in the boardroom at NDHFA’s office, 2624 Vermont Ave., Bismarck, ND.

QAP Texas

Texas 4% LIHTC Application Submissions

9% LIHTC applications will be prioritized over applications submitted under the 4% LIHTC program over the next several months, due to the July 31 statutory deadline associated with the processing and reviews of 9% LIHTC applications,

QAP Texas

Texas 2019 Multifamily Predevelopment Application and Supporting Documents

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) Multifamily Finance Division has posted the following Multifamily Predevelopment items to its website:

QAP Oregon

Oregon QAP Survey

Oregon Housing & Community Services (OHCS) released a survey to prepare for revisions of the Oregon QAP. OHCS hopes to develop a baseline understanding of the core interests, priorities and preferences of those directly impacted by the Oregon QAP. The survey is divided into several topic areas with the option to skip topic areas. The […]

QAP Ohio

Ohio HFA Updates: BGF Guidelines, LIHTC Site Visits, QAP Forum April 11, TAG Funding Available

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) released draft 2019 Bond Gap Financing (BGF) Guidelines for comment. Comments are due by April 1. The OHFA will hold a 2020-2021 QAP Pre-draft Forum on April 11 from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. EDT at the Main Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library, 96 South Grant Avenue.

QAP California

TCAC March 20 Meeting Agenda Announced

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) released the agenda for its March 20th hearing. TCAC will consider 19 of the 2019 applications for reservation of 4 percent LIHTCs for Tax-Exempt Bond Financed Projects. For additional information, contact Vincent Brown, Interim Executive Director, at (916) 654-6340.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Housing Leadership Changes, State Budget Proposal

The new Minnesota Housing Commissioner, Jennifer Ho, recently named Rachel Robinson as Deputy Commissioner and James Lehnhoff as Assistant Commissioner for Multifamily.Governor Tim Walz released his proposed Budget for One Minnesota, which calls for over $280 million for homes through $131.6 million in Minnesota Housing program budget and $150 million bonding budget for the preservation of existing affordable housing and to create new homes.

QAP Alabama

Alabama Hearing on HTF, CDBG, ESG, HOPWA, HOME, HTF March 22

Alabama will hold a hearing on HTF, CDBG, ESG, HOPWA, HOME, HTF on March 22at 10:30 a.m. CDT at the Alabama Center for Commerce, 7th Floor Auditorium, 401 Adams Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama 36104. Comments on the Draft 2019 HTF Plan must be received by April 22, 2019. 

QAP Ohio

2019 OHFA Policy, Procedure and Regulation Trainings

Training registration for Ohio Housing Finance Agency’s (OHFA) Policy, Procedure and Regulation Training is now open. This three-hour training will provide industry professionals with tools and knowledge of OHFA specific requirements, policies, best practices and an overview of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program. The training will fulfill OHFA’s Qualified Allocation Plan training requirement in order to obtain IRS Form 8609 and provide three hours of continuing education credit for the Specialist in Housing Credit Management, the Housing Credit Certified Professional and the National Compliance Professional, the National Compliance Professional-Executive designations.

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