Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP California

California HCD Regional Housing Needs Allocation

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is soliciting ideas and input from the public for ways to improve the seventh cycle Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) process and address California’s housing shortage.

QAP Kansas

Kansas Housing Awards First State Tax Credits

Kansas Housing (KH) announces that it awarded its first tax credits to four percent LIHTC and private activity bond (PAB) projects.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Public Hearing on QAP – March 23

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) will hold a public hearing regarding proposed amendments to the 2023-2024 LIHTC QAP. The hearing will be from 10 to 11 a.m. ET, March 23 via Zoom.

QAP Michigan

Michigan State Housing Development Authority MOD & M3 Program Funding

Michigan State Housing Development Authority’s (MSHDA) Mod Permanent Program and Multiple Modulars Initiative are accepting funding applications from nonprofit organizations, local units of government and for-profit entities meeting Limited Dividend Housing Association criteria.

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia Sets 2023 State Housing Credit Ceiling

West Virginia Housing Development Fund announced the set-aside categories and amounts for its 2023 state LIHTC program.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Approves CDGB-DR Guidelines and Materials

Ohio Housing Finance Agency’s (OHFA) Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) guidelines were finalized at the March 15 Board meeting.

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia Holds 2023 LIHTC Application Workshop – April 27

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund will hold a 2023 LIHTC Application workshop on April 27 from noon to 3:30 p.m. ET via Zoom.

QAP California

California Local Housing Trust Program Applications Due May 17

The California Department of Housing and Community Development announces the release of Local Housing Trust Fund (LHTF) Program NOFA for approximately $53 million.

QAP Delaware

Respond to Delaware’s Housing Needs Study

Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) is conducting a statewide housing needs study to identify housing needs and prioritize resources and investments.

QAP Michigan

Michigan Hosts Statewide Housing Plan Kickoff Meetings

The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) announced that it finalized the first Michigan Statewide Housing Plan.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Finance Agency 2024/2025 QAP and 2023 Gap Financing Program

Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) seeks feedback on the 2024/2025 Qualified Allocation Plan. You may access the survey by clicking here or send letters to QAP@ohiohome.org.

QAP Oklahoma

Oklahoma Finance Agency Nine Percent Tax Credit Allocation

The Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) is recommending an award of approximately $1 million in additional nine percent tax credits to those awarded in the second funding period of 2022.

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