Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP New Jersey

New Jersey Updates on The Submission of Multifamily and Supportive Housing Financing Applications

Financing Applications- All financing applications are to be submitted in electronic format to the Multifamily Division.   

QAP Virginia

Virginia Housing’s Rental Housing Development Loan Program Update

Virginia Housing will host a WebEx session on Friday, April 10, 2020, at 10:00 am ET to discuss our Multifamily Forbearance Plans in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

QAP Texas

Texas Apartment Association’s COVID-19 and Affordable Housing in Texas Webinar

The Texas Apartment Association (TAA) is offering a webinar discussing the unique concerns regarding COVID-19 and its impact on affordable housing providers.

QAP Montana

Montana’s Governor Bullock Extends Consumer Protections, Stay-at-Home Order

Montana Governor Steve Bullock today extended through April 24 Directives he issued to protect Montanans from COVID-19 by slowing the spread of the virus in Montana. The Directives were set to expire on April 10.

QAP Virginia

Virginia Nine Percent Reservation Application Now Avaialble

All 2020 competitive nine percent reservation applications are now available, all accompanying market studies for applications are available here. Please note the competitive nine round continues on track with original timelines with staff currently reviewing (remotely) all mandatory items.

QAP Tennessee

Tennessee Adds $100 Million to 2020 MTBA

The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) Board of Directors has approved an additional $100 million of 2020 Multifamily Tax-Exempt Bond Authority (2020 MTBA). For your convenience the summary can be found here. The current available MTBA as of March 30 can be found here.

QAP Oregon

Oregon Proposed Rule on Publicly Supported Housing Preservation

Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) is seeking feedback on a proposed rule that would amend and repeal rules for the Publicly Supported Housing Preservation process.

QAP Ohio

Ohio BGF Guidelines, Competitive HTC timing, and Consolidated Plan Updates

Ohio Housing Finance Agency’s (OHFA) draft 2020 Bond Gap Financing (BGF) program guidelines are now available. The BGF program is geared toward developers using non-competitive (four percent) credits in conjunction with multifamily bonds. Comments on the draft guidelines can be sent to QAP@ohiohome.org and will be accepted through April 24, 2020.

QAP Illinois

Illinois Accepts Four Percent LIHTC Applications on a Rolling Basis in Q2 and Q3

Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) will now accept four percent LIHTC on a rolling basis for the second and third quarters of 2020. Quarterly application deadlines will resume October 1, 2020.

QAP Wisconsin

Wisconsin Governor Institutes 60-Day Moratorium on Evictions, Foreclosures

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers issued Emergency Order #15, which temporarily bans foreclosures and evictions. The order is effective immediately and shall remain in place for 60 days. Under this order, landlords are prohibited from serving any notice terminating a tenancy for failure to pay rent. As detailed in the order, landlords are also prohibited from commencing a civil action of eviction unless certain conditions are met.

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia Maintains May 28 LIHTC Application Deadline

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund (Fund) is currently committed to the due date of May 28, 2020, by 4:30 pm ET.

QAP Texas

Temporary Relief for Texas DHCA-Controlled Multifamily Properties

Given the current national economic situation and an expectation that numerous multifamily developments will experience rent shortages in the next months, and acknowledging the existence of various moratoria on evictions for non-payment of rent, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) is announcing that it expects to not enforce its penalty, acceleration or foreclosure options for nonpayment on multifamily notes under its control for 60 days beginning on April 1, 2020, until May 31, 2020, to allow for the economic situation to stabilize and for implementation of a more comprehensive solution. 

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