Qualified Allocation Plans

QAP California

California Updates Resyndication Requirements; HCD Pauses Some Guidelines/NOFAs

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) updated is Resyndication Requirements Checklist for all TCAC application.

To increase alignment with TCAC and the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC), the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) has decided to briefly pause its multifamily housing programs until TCAC and CLDAC complete their regulations update process. The regulations are expected to be adopted before the end of the calendar year.

QAP Connecticut

Connecticut Holds QAP Public Input Period through December 23

The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) holding a hold a public input period to receive data, views and comments with respect to its LIHTC Program, QAP and current priorities and policy goals from November 23, 2020 through December 23, 2020. All interested persons are encouraged to submit written comments to Terry Nash Giovannucci at PublicComment@chfa.org, […]

QAP Connecticut

Connecticut Landlord Application for Temporary Rental Housing Assistance Program

The Connecticut Department of Housing (DOH), with the assistance of the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA), has launched Phase Two of the Temporary Rental Housing Assistance Program (TRHAP). To facilitate the process of applying for rental assistance, the TRHAP program now provides an option that allows landlords to access the TRHAP portal and apply on behalf of tenants who need rent relief due to a COVID-19 related hardship.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Names Winston Miller KHC Executive Director

The Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) Board of Directors named Winston Miller as its new executive director, effective November 16. Miller will replace Lisa Beran, KHC’s former general counsel, who served as interim director for more than a year.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Launches 2021 Applications for Multifamily Non-Credit Projects, Single-Family Development, and AHTF Home Repair

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) opened applications in its Universal Funding Application (UFA) for three project types:
1. Multifamily Non-Credit Rental Development (HOME, AHTF, and SMAL),
2. Single-Family Homebuyer Development (HOME and AHTF), and
3. AHTF Home Repair (AHTF Only).
All three applications are due by noon ET on Friday, January 15, 2021.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Draft Design Standards, New Application Documents and QAP Planning

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) posted draft 2021 Design & Architectural Standards, which include the following major changes for 2021:
A new section for minimum rehabilitation requirement
Requirements for radon prevention/reduction and lead-based paint hazard reduction
Inclusion of property standards for projects receiving HOME, National Housing Trust Fund, or Community Development Block Grant- Disaster Recovery funds.

QAP New Jersey

Funds Available for Supportive Housing in New Jersey

The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency’s (NJHMFA) Special Needs Housing Subsidy Loan Program (SNHSLP) is the first major new funding source in seven years for special needs housing. Under the new program, NJHMFA will provide financing, in the form of loans, to eligible not-for-profit and for-profit developers, as well as government entities at the state, county and local level for new construction or the rehabilitation of housing.

QAP Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Approves 2021 QAP

On November 12, the Board of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) approved the 2021 LIHTC QAP. Applications for multifamily housing resources will be accepted following a two-step process. Developments seeking Agency funding must submit an Intent to Submit by December 4, 2020 with a full application due on or before February 5, 2021.

QAP Texas

Texas Names that Charlotte Flickinger as Multifamily Direct Loan Manager

Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) announced that Charlotte (Char) Flickinger is the new Multifamily Direct Loan Manager and will be responsible for all functions of the Direct Loan Program.

QAP California

California Reverses Proposed Change to Reduce Accessible Units

After numerous public comments received at the November 10 California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) public hearing, staff is withdrawing the originally proposed changes to the nine percent LIHTC regulations to reduce the required number of accessible units. For Section 10325(f)(7)(K) staff is now proposing to increase the required number of accessible units from ten to 15 percent for units with mobility features and from four to ten percent for units with communications features.

QAP Kansas

Kansas Launches New Statewide Eviction Prevention Program

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly (D) announced a $35 million statewide relief initiative to keep Kansans in their homes. Tenants and landlords experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID pandemic may receive up to $5,000 in rental assistance per tenant household.

QAP Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Governor Signs Bill that Creates State LIHTC

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf (D) signed legislation that establishes a state LIHTC. S.B. 30 creates a state credit that, once funded, will mirror the Federal LIHTC. Pennsylvania’s LIHTC features a requirement that at least ten percent of the credits for each award round be allocated for households with incomes at or below 30 percent of […]

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