HUD is pleased to announce the Preservation of Pre-1974 Section 202 Direct Loan Properties webinar. This webinar is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 2:00 PM EDT.
During the Global Climate Summit last week, the Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 1477 (Stern), which will incentivize low-emissions technologies for affordable housing.
On Monday, September 10, HUD launched a variety of enhancements to the RAD Resource Desk to allow users to more easily manage their RAD transactions.
The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) has published a new report entitled, “RENTAL HOUSING FOR A 21ST CENTURY RURAL AMERICA USDA’s Rural Rental Housing Portfolio: A Platform for Preservation.” founder Jeff Bezos announced on Twitter (@JeffBezos) that he and his wife, MacKenzie, would commit $2 billion to “exisiting non-profits that help homeless families, and creating a network of new, nonprofit, tier-one preschools in low-income communities.”
The Council of Development Finance Agencies has issued a new report titled, “CDFA Opportunity Zones Report: State of the States.” Recognizing that Opportunity Zones have the potential to be a transformative economic development tool in distressed areas around the country, CDFA members are actively developing Opportunity Zones strategies to attract investment, identify additional development finance […]
City NIMBYs, a new article authored by NYU Furman Center Faculty Director Vicki Been, explores the growing trend of opposition to development in cities. It describes the academic discussions of this trend to date, reviews the known impact of opposition and regulatory barriers to development, and proposes factors that may explain the growing opposition to […]
The NYU Furman Center will host a free webinar, on Tuesday September 25th at 12:00 p.m. ET, on the State of New York City’s Subsidized Housing in 2017. The webinar will review major programs used to develop and preserve affordable housing in the city, and provide the number and location of properties benefiting from a subsidy […]
Novogradac & Company has released two online mapping tools that track tax codes of individual states and how they conform to federal tax law concerning the opportunity zones incentive. One tool tracks state law concerning personal income and the other tracks state law concerning corporate income. Both resources also link to relevant state tax code […]
On September 7, the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) has released a much anticipated the report by Abt Associates entitled “Variation in Development Costs for LIHTC Projects.”
On Thursday, September 6, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. in Room 2128 of the Rayburn House Office Building, the Committee on Financial Services will hold a hearing entitled “A Failure to Act: How a Decade without GSE Reform Has Once Again Put Taxpayers at Risk.” This fall marks ten years since the height of the financial […]
Earlier this summer, the CDFI Fund announced that it was integrating award recipient reporting into the Award Management Information System (AMIS). I am very happy to report that the transition is now complete and the Community Investment Impact System (CIIS), is officially retired. Going forward, award recipients will now submit reports—including Institutional Level Reports (ILRs), […]