On October 12, U.S. Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) introduced the Seniors Affordable Housing Tax Credit Act (S. 3580), legislation he authored to incentivize housing owners and developers to rent to low-income seniors. Heller’s proposed legislation would create a tax credit program that allocates credits to states, which, in turn, would be awarded to owners and developers […]
The NYU Furman Center and Abt Associates launched LocalHousingSolutions.org, an online, interactive tool to help communities develop local strategies that promote housing affordability. A growing number of communities across the country are struggling with problems tied to high housing costs, including rising homelessness, fear of displacement among longtime residents, and growing numbers of households unable […]
Enterprise has published a new whitepaper entitled Gentrification: Framing Our Perceptions, which summarizes several approaches used in recent studies of gentrification and details the complications these create for identifying where it occurs. It describes how different definitions can lead to different findings about the consequences of gentrification, and how these inconsistencies affect policy making.
The Senate Committee On Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs will meet in on October 18 to conduct a hearing entitled “Oversight of Pilot Programs at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.” The witnesses will be: Ms. Sandra Thompson, Deputy Director, Division of Housing Mission and Goals, Federal Housing Finance Agency; Mr. Timothy J. Mayopoulos, Chief Executive Officer, […]
The Internal Revenue Services (IRS) has issued an updated Draft Form 3468 and Draft Instructions for the 2018 tax year. This is the form that taxpayers must submit in order to claim the federal historic tax credit, as well as several other investment and energy credits. Notably, the form answers a significant question coming out of tax-reform — […]
The Affordable Housing Investors Council (AHIC) has published updated Underwriting Guidelines for its members. The Guidelines are designed to be used as an outline for an underwriting process and for investment documents for proprietary, multi-investor, and direct investments in low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC). They examine how to analyze the financial strength and expertise of […]
Freddie Mac announced today it has closed its first Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Fund with Enterprise Community Investment, Inc. and its first equity investment within that fund.
This is notice that a state-owned property has been determined to be surplus to the needs of the owning agency and is available for acquisition. Below is the most recent posting: File #: Hillcrest, Salem, Oregon, Marion County Location: 2450 Strong Road SE, Salem, OR A written notice or email of interest in acquiring the property […]
The Alabama Housing Finance Agency’s Board of Directors approved the final 2019 HOME/Housing Credit allocation plans during its September 26 meeting. The allocation plans will be used to direct the application process and funding awards for 2019 HOME Investment Partnerships funds and Housing Credits. The plans are available for download at http://bit.ly/2i82idW.
The Metro Mayors Coalition’s Regional Housing Task Force have announced an ambitious new goal to add 185,000 new housing units to the Boston metro region by 2030.
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is requesting public input on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s (the Enterprises) proposed modifications to their 2018-2020 Underserved Markets Plans (Plans) under the Duty to Serve (DTS) program.
The next Housing Stability Council meeting will be on Friday, October 5. The meeting will be held at Oregon Housing and Community Services (725 Summer St NE, Salem OR) in conference room 124 A/B. If you cannot attend in person, please join us by phone at: 1-877-273-4202; Participant Code: 4978330 AGENDA: 9:00 Meeting Called to […]