The National Low Income Housing Coalition released its annual report, The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes. Their analysis found that nationwide, there are only 37 affordable and available rental homes exist for every 100 extremely low-income renter households. Among states, the supply of affordable and available rental homes ranges from only 19 for every […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Contact: Thom Amdur, President National Housing & Rehabilitation Association 202-939-1753 or March 6–The National Housing & Rehabilitation Association is proud to announce that its Board of Directors elected Robert Fein, Principal and Chief Operating Officer for Red Stone Equity Partners, as its Chair and named Thom Amdur as the organization’s […]
In honor of its 50th anniversary, the Urban Institute launched the first in its Catalyst series of products that will be released over the next few months as part of the Next50 initiative. The inaugural Catalyst focuses on affordable housing and provides an overview of four promising solutions to the housing crisis being pursued in communities around the country: produce more housing, more cheaply; preserve affordable housing and neighborhoods; expand housing assistance; and widen homeownership options.
The Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) released the first white paper of a series, Food Systems and Development Finance. This white paper explores the potential for development finance to support this new food system asset class with a dozen case studies featuring bonds, tax increment finance, tax credits and revolving loan fund programs.
Florida Housing released RFA 2019-104 “SAIL Financing For Smaller Permanent Supportive Housing Developments For Persons With Special Needs.”
The Dormitory Authority of the State of New York is seeking a Statement of Qualifications from qualified Design-Build teams capable of providing all services necessary to design and construct the renovation of an existing residence hall, including additional 6,000 sf for added programming need, an increase to 300 beds, and retrofitting of the building envelope plus systems to fully electrify and reduce energy use to a maximum EUI of 32kbtu/sf/year.
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) issued RFP 914-4740-19, Contractor for OHCS Preservation “Designee” Process. In collaboration with the Preservation Program Manager leading this effort, this contractor would establish an application process and inventory of potential designee’s in collaboration with local governments. The contractor will be expected to implement a designee outreach strategy that should include current owners of participating properties or affordable housing developers, including those new to doing business in Oregon.
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) will hold a Housing Stability Council meeting on Friday, March. 1, 2019 from 9 am – 1 pm PT. Attendees can participate in person at OHCS (725 Summer St. NE, Salem, OR) in conference room 124 A/B or via phone: 1-877-273-4202; Participant Code: 4978330. The meeting materials packet is […]
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is implementing a three-phase action plan to improve its loan closing processes which will focus on: Increased standardization of loan documents; increased transparency and predictability around application scoring; improved customer service through predictable, assigned contacts to assist post-award; increased efficiency through electronic signatures; and ongoing feedback.
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) released the final 2018 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) FAQs. Applications must be received on Tuesday, Feb. 26 by 5 pm. If you have additional questions regarding the 2018 CDBG application, please submit questions to through Monday, Feb. 25.
Florida Housing issued RFA 2019-109 “HOME Financing to be used for Rental Developments for Hurricane Michael Impacted Counties and in Rural Areas.” To apply for funding, interested parties must submit the application, the Principals of the Applicant and Developer(s) Disclosure Form and the Development Cost Pro Forma. The deadline to apply for funding is 3 […]
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh announced more than $26 million in new funding for housing from the Department of Neighborhood Development, the Neighborhood Housing Trust and the Community Preservation Fund. The funding will impact a total of 515 units, 459 new housing units will be created and 56 units will be preserved.