Texas’ 2020 Multifamily Uniform Application posted on January 22, 2020, has been revised to correct Tab 48, the tie-breaker information worksheet. The revision only affects competitive nine percent LIHTC applications.
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) staff will provide an overview of Housing Support and how this resource works for housing developments with supportive housing units on February 26 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm CT. This session is designed for developers, property management staff and service partners interested in learning more about Housing Support and additional DHS resources for supportive housing
The Louisiana Housing Corporation published the following documents for its Piggyback Resilience Initiative-Mixed Income (PRIME) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) is accepting applications for its Neighborhood Landlord Rental Program Phase II (NLRP2 Initiative) through 4:30 pm CT on January 31. All written inquiries must be submitted to nlrp@lhc.la.gov.
The Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) released its draft 2021-2022 QAP and draft 2021-2022 multifamily guidelines for review. Comments are due by February 24. KHC will host a public hearing on February 17 to review the draft QAP and multifamily guidelines.
The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation released its 2019 Annual Report. Kansas leveraged $97.1 million for investment in rental housing, served 21,436 Kansans through community services, sheltered 1,878 Kansans, weatherized 996 homes and installed 9,639 LED light bulbs.
On January 23, 2020, the Board of Directors of the Florida Housing Finance Corporation approved the Review Committees’ motions and staff recommendations to adopt the scoring results, select applications for funding, and invite the applicants to enter credit underwriting regarding RFAs 2019-112, 2019-115, and 2019-118.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) will hold public meetings on January 30 and 31 on its proposed emergency regulation changes, which set the allocation rules for the approximately $1 billion of new Federal LIHTCs from the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020.
On January 7, 2020, Judge Deborah A. Chimes of the New York Supreme Court—Erie County ruled from the bench that a general partner’s election to redeem the limited partners’ interests in a LIHTC partnership did not trigger liquidation provisions under the partnership agreement because the partnership still owned all, or substantially all, of the assets of the partnership.
On the one year anniversary of Microsoft’s $500 million investment in affordable housing, the company announced an additional $250 million investment in affordable housing. The new investments will be placed with the Washington State Housing Finance Commission to allow them to bridge tax-exempt bond cap as well $50 million to seed the new Evergreen Housing Impact Fund.
Governor Gavin Newsom (D) issued an executive order on January 8 to expedite the state’s response to the homelessness crisis in advance of 2020-21 budget negotiations.
On January 7, in his State of the City address, Mayor Martin Walsh (D) pledged to dedicate $500 million over the next five years for affordable housing. These new investments will create rental and homeownership opportunities, preserve public housing, and establish a city-funded rental voucher program.