General News


HUD Solicits Comments on Multifamily Reporting Template

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is soliciting comments by January 21 on a proposed template it has developed to be used by HUD multifamily housing program participants to submit financial data electronically.

NH&RA News

Banking Regulators Revise CRA Regulations

The four federal banking regulators on December 22 issued a joint final rule to amend their Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) regulations.


Kansas Publishes Updated 2009 Application, QAP

The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation has issued its revised application and qualified allocation plan (QAP) for its 2009 low-income housing tax credit program.


Governors Propose Agenda for Recovery Package

New York Gov. David Paterson and several other governors recently sent a letter to President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden that proposes an agenda for federal aid to states to be included in any future comprehensive economic recovery package.

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