General News


Wyoming Releases Draft 2010 QAP, Schedules Hearing

The Wyoming Community Development Authority has released its draft 2010 qualified allocation plan with respect to the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program.


USDA Funding Bill Approved by House & Senate Committee

The US House of Representatives passed the USDA Funding (HR 2997) on July 9 while the Senate Appropriations Committee passed its own version of the legislation (S. 1406) on July 7. This measure includes funding for the USDA Rural Development Program.

North Carolina

North Carolina Seeks Input on 2010 QAP

The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency is seeking input for its draft 2010 Qualified Allocation prior to publication.

NH&RA News

Freddie Mac Names New CEO

Four months after former CEO David Moffett resigned, Freddie Mac has named Charles Haldeman Jr. as CEO. Interim CEO John Koskinen will return to his position as chairman of the board.

NH&RA News

Obama Administration Names NPS Nominee

President Obama has announced his intention to nominate Jon Jarvis as Director of the National Park Service.

NH&RA News

New Resources Now Available Through PolicyMap

PolicyMap recently announced several new data collection and analysis resources now available through its website, including a new, regional income analysis tool created by The Reinvestment Fund (TRF).


David Sterns Sworn In as HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Housing and FHA

David Sterns was recently sworn in as the new Assstant Secretary for Housing and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).


Kentucky Gives Preference for NCAHMA Analysts

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) has issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from qualified market analysts that gives preference to members of the National Council of Affordable Housing Market Analysts (NCAHMA).


Idaho Releases Joint Application for Stimulus Funding

The Idaho Housing and Finance Agency has released its joint application for funding assistance provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.


Arkansas Releases ARRA Application

The Arkansas Development Finance Authority has released its application for funding assistance through the Stimulus Act’s Tax Credit Exchange and Tax Credit Assistance Programs.


Alaska Releases Application for Stimulus Programs

The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation has released its application for funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s Section 1602 (Tax Credit Exchange) and Tax Credit Assistance Programs (TCAP).


Ohio Releases Property Management Values for QAP, Solicits Feedback

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) has released a draft set of core values to evaluate the capacity of management companies as part of its development of the 2010 qualified allocation plan (QAP).

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