General News

QAP Florida

Florida District Court of Appeals Upholds Opa-Locka Decision

The Third District Court of Appeals for the State of Florida affirmed a summary judgment decision issued on July 7, 2020 in favor of Opa-Locka Community Development Corporation (OLCDC). The summary judgment decision allowed OLCDC to enforce its Section 42(i)(7) Right of First Refusal under the LIHTC program. Pursuant to the lower’s court ruling, OLCDC […]

NH&RA News

House Committee Passes Changes to ERAP

Last week, the House Financial Services Committee reported a marked-up Expediting Assistance to Renters and Landlords Act of 2021 (H.R. 5196) to the House, which, if enacted, would make significant changes to the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).


House Committees Mark Up Reconciliation Bills with Major Housing Investments 

The House Financial Services Committee completed their work on Tuesday and sent their portion of the bill to the House floor with a 30-24 party-line vote. The committee voted down all of the amendments offered by Republicans.  

QAP Arizona

Arizona Offers $5.6 Million through CoC

The Arizona Department of Housing expects to conditionally allocate up to an estimated $5.6 million through the Continuum of Care process.

QAP California

California Releases 1.45 Billion in Homekey Funds

The California Department of Housing and Community Development announced the release of $1.45 billion in Homekey grant funds made available through the California Comeback Plan.

QAP California

California Updates 2021 State Tax Credit Dashboard

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee updated its four percent LIHTC dashboard for the 2021 state tax credit.

QAP Kansas

Kansas Housing and Economic Development Forum

The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) and Department of Commerce will hold the third quarterly meeting exploring the state’s housing and economic development initiatives from 2 to 3 p.m. CT on September 14.

QAP Kansas

Kansas Posts 2021 Draft LIHTC Compliance Policies and Procedures Manual

The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) released a draft version of its 2021 LIHTC Compliance Policies and Procedures Manual.

QAP New Jersey

New Jersey Tax Credit Compliance Webinar – Oct. 26 to 28

New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) is offering a three-day Tax Credit Compliance Live Webinar.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Posts Final Draft of 2022-2023 QAP

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) posted the final draft of the 2022-2023 QAP.

QAP Oregon

Sept. 15 Webinar on Oregon’s Landlord Guarantee Program

Home Forward to hold webinar on the Landlord Guarantee Program, which reimburses landlords for eligible non-payment costs incurred during the “safe harbor” period required by Oregon’s Senate Bill 278.

QAP Texas

Texas Income Determination Training – Oct. 13

TDHCA and the Texas Apartment Association to present a live online presentation of the Income Determination Training.

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