General News


Indiana Agency Hosts Open Forum on 2011 QAP

The Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority has announced that it will host an open roundtable discussion on Wednesday, May 12 to solicit comments, ideas, or views from the public related to the up-coming 2011 QAP.

NH&RA News

FHFA Proposes FHLB Investment Regulations

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is proposing to reorganize existing investment regulations that apply to the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB), as well as incorporate limitations on the Banks’ investment in mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities, contained in the existing Financial Management Policy.

North Dakota

North Dakota Agency to Host Rural Housing Roundtable

The North Dakota Housing Finance Agency will host a Regional Housing Roundtable on May 19 in Devils Lake, ND.

NH&RA News

New Markets Tax Credit Application Webcast Scheduled; To Be Archived on Site

The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) has scheduled an application webcast for the calendar year 2010 round of the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Program. The application webcast will be broadcast on Tuesday, May 4 at 3:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time.


Virginia Governor Announces New Affordable Housing Initiative

Governor Bob McDonnell this week announced a major initiative by his Administration aimed at expanding affordable housing in Virginia, including the establishment of the state’s first executive housing policy framework to help guide the development of a housing policy.

NH&RA News

National Housing Group Publishes 2010 Housing Wage Report

A renter household needs an annual income of $38,360 in order to afford a two-bedroom rental unit at the Fair Market Rent, according to a recent study released by the National Low-Income Housing Coalition.


NCAHMA Releases Audio Recordings from New Orleans Conference

National Council of Affordable Housing Market Analysts (NCAHMA) is please to offer FIVE digital audio recordings of select panel sessions held during its 2010 Spring Underwriting Forum, April 7-8 in New Orleans.

NH&RA News

Enterprise Publishes Green Savings Report

Enterprise has published a new report entitled “Incremental Cost, Measurable Savings: Enterprise Green Communities Criteria.” The report explores the measurable costs savings of applying comprehensive green methods and materials to affordable housing developments.


HUD Updates State of the Cities Data System

HUD USER recently updated the State of the Cities Data System to include labor statistics for February 2010, using Local Area Unemployment Statistics data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Arkansas Releases Requirements for Tax Credit Exchange Fund Applicants

The Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA) recently issued a memo to potential 2010 applicants for Section 1602 Exchange funds that describes several new requirements for all applicants. The memo also describes the process by which ADFA will identify eligible applications for Exchange funds after the applications are received.


Tennessee Schedules LIHTC Hearing

The Tennessee Housing Development Authority (THDCA) has established a Special Tax Credit Committee under the THDA Board to examine the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program and make recommendations to the Board regarding the program and subsequent year qualified allocation plans (QAP).


FHA Increases Multifamily Mortgage Limits By Excluding Land Value In Calculation

On March 16 HUD issued a new mortgagee letter that effectively raises the maximum FHA mortgage amount for multifamily FHA-insured loans by excluding land value from the calculation of the statutory mortgage limits. It is expected that this new determination by the FHA will expand the use of FHA insurance for multifamily housing in major high-cost cities such as New York City, San Francisco, Boston, and Philadelphia. NH&RA’s General Counsel Bingham McCutchen provided the following summary:

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