General News


HUD Publishes 2013 QCTs

HUD today published a Notice in the Federal Register designating the Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs) for the LIHTC program.


CHFA Announces New Executive Director

The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) recently announced Eric Chatman to succeed Susan Whetstome as President and Executive Director of the agency, effective May 21.


House Financial Services Committee to Hold Markup on AHSSIA Bill

The House of Representatives Financial Services Committee will hold a full committee markup session on the draft Affordable Housing and Self-Sufficiency Improvement Act of 2012 (AHSSIA) legislation on Wednesday April 18 at 10:00 am in the Rayburn Building.


Ohio Senators Introduce Legislation to Expand State NMTC

Ohio State Senators Bill Beagle (R-Tipp City) and Charleta Tavares (D-Columbus) recently introduced S.B. 327 which would raise the program’s annual cap from $10 million to $50 million, which is expected to spur an additional $500 million in local investment.


HUD Releases Final Environmental Justice Strategy

HUD has issued a summary of the public comments received on the agency’s draft environmental justice strategy released in September 2011, the agency’s response to those comments and the final document.


Iowa House Passes Bill to Reform State Tax Increment Financing Program

The Iowa House of Representatives recently passed a bill, HF 2460, that would reform the state’s controversial tax incremented financing (TIF) program.


HUD Publishes Section 8 HAP Program Annual Adjustment Factors for 2012

HUD has published a notice in today’s Federal Register announcing the FY-2012 Annual Adjustment Factors (AFF) for adjustment of contract rents for owners participating in the Section 8 housing assistance payment programs.

NH&RA News

The Looming Crisis in Affordable Rental Housing (The two sides of the multifamily demand coin)

Richard F. Burns, CEO of The NHP Foundation, authors an article about the state of the multifamily affordable housing sector.

NH&RA News

FHA Releases Proposed Rules for Strengthening the MAP Approved Lender Process

HUD recently released a proposed rule, Docket No. FR-5444-P-01, which proposes to establish regulations for lender and underwriter eligibility for participation within the Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP) program and rules for the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) process for approving MAP lenders and underwriters.


HUD’s Latest Best Practices Report: Seattle, Washington

HUD’s Office of Policy Development & Research has released its latest Best Practices Report for the High Point Community Revitalization in Seattle, Washington.


Alaska Requests Comments on LIHTC Qualified Contract Process

The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) is soliciting comments for proposed Qualified Contract process applicable to Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) property owners who have not waived their right to resale for their LIHTC properties.

NH&RA News

Treasury Releases Sample Combined Application for Section 1603

The Treasury Department has released a sample Combined Application for the Section 1603 cash grant exchange program for energy property on which construction began in 2009, 2010, or 2011.

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