The Urban Institute released a study via the Stories and Data Tools to examine the current housing shortage in the U.S. and how zoning near transit can assist with tackling this issue.
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) announced that it secured $1.14 billion in housing investments to address the needs of Oregonians.
The Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) of Harvard University released the 2023 edition of its annual State of the Nation’s Housing Report.
The Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA) announced that the 2024-2025 LIHTC QAP revised draft documents are now available.
New Hampshire Housing changed the due date for pre-applications for the competitive 9% LIHTC application round.
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) announced the release of the 2023 4% LIHTC and PAB Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
The Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University will release its annual State of the Nation’s Housing Report next week.
Oklahoma HFA announced HB 1031, also known as the Oklahoma Housing Stability Program, became law June 2 with an effective date of July 1.
A New York Times article offers a glimpse of the future as climate change batters the West. Arizona has determined that there is not enough groundwater for housing construction already approved in the Phoenix area and will stop developers from building some new subdivisions.
Community solar providers and building owners are grappling with how owners can distribute the financial benefits of community or rooftop solar to residents that reside in master-metered buildings and do not have an individual electricity bill.
NH&RA sent a letter to the state offices responsible for administering Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) funding encouraging them to devote a portion to multifamily affordable housing.
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed two bills into law on April 13 that will extend the state’s Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit for five years and change the tax credit percentage depending on locale.