The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) has posted updated versions of the Multifamily Revenue Bond Procedural Guidelines.
The Ohio Development Services Agency recently released an annual report on the Ohio historic preservation tax credit program.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) has released the final proposed regulation changes to the CPA Final Cost Certification Requirements and Market Study Requirements for the current 2013 program year.
The House Ways & Means Committee recently held a hearing on federal tax provisions that affect residential real estate, including the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC).
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee CTCAC has released a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for California Utility Allowance Calculator (CUAC) submissions to the agency.
Minnesota recently released the RFPs including the application, materials, and instructions for the consolidated 2013 Multifamily and the 2014 Housing Tax Credit allocation rounds.
The California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) recently announced the expansion of its Preservation Loan Program, a financing program to maintain affordability of multifamily housing across the state.
HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing recently issued a memo providing guidance for processing requests by mortgagees to reduce the interest rate on an insure mortgage loans and to clarify HUD’s processing procedures to reduce the interest rate and re-amortize the loan.
HUD recently released Notice H 2013-12 to update and replace Notice 2009-10, which defined the Department’s initial procedures for processing certain Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly projects and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities under a delegated processing system.
The National Park Service (NPS) recently released its 2012 annual report on the historic tax credit (HTC) entitled “Federal Tax Incentives for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings”.
The Missouri State Senate recently passed S.B. 112, a measure which would make changes to the State’s new markets tax credit (NMTC) program.
The staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation has released a report summarizing the various tax code breaks and incentives for residential real estate in advance of the upcoming House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means public hearing entitled “Tax Reform and Residential Real Estate,” which is scheduled for Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 9:30 am.