General News


UPDATE: HUD Releases Clarifications to Recent 202 Prepayment Notice 2013-17

HUD recently released Notice 2013-17 to update and consolidate previous guidance on the prepayment of Section 202 Direct Loan projects. The Notice touches on guidance for HUD approval and processing of the prepayment of old (1959-1974) and new (1974-1990) Section 202 projects and supersedes guidance from previous Notices 2002-16, 2004-21, 2010-14, 2012-08.


UPDATE: IRS Extends Suspension of LIHTC Requirements for Those Affected by Oklahoma Tornadoes

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued Notice 2013-40 and 2013-39 to suspend certain low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) and tax exempt facility bond rules in order to allow owners of low-income housing to provide temporary shelter to non-low-income victims of the May 2013 Oklahoma tornadoes.


HUD Proposes Rule for Capturing Excess FHA Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Claim Proceeds

HUD recently published a proposed rule in the Federal Register which would amend current regulations covering the contract rights and obligations of mortgagees participating in Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) multifamily mortgage insurance programs, to address reimbursement to FHA of excess claim proceeds.


Iowa Draft QAP Open for Comment

The 2014 proposed Iowa Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) has been posted on the Iowa Finance Authority website and is open for public comments until August 27, 2013 at 4:30PM CST


Delaware Neighborhood Assistance Act Program FY2014

The Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) announced the authorization of the Neighborhood Assistance Act (NAA) FY 2014. The NAA Program encourages businesses and individuals who pay Delaware state income taxes to invest in programs serving impoverished neighborhoods or serving low- and moderate-income families. In exchange for a qualified contribution, the NAA provides state tax credits equal to 50% of the investment. There is a maximum of $500,000 in tax credits available and DSHA will resume accepting NAA applications on a first-come, first-served basis.


Non-competitive 4% LIHTC Reservation Charge Increase in Oregon

Due to higher demand for long term bonds in Oregon, the Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) has undertaken an analysis of current charges for bonds and 4% transactions. On June 7, 2013 the State Housing Council moved to approve the change of the 4% LIHTC reservation charge from 6.5% to 12% on all existing applications and future applications using OHCS Bonds. The 4% LIHTC transaction which use private activity bonds that have a PAB committee date set as of July 11, 2013 will not be affected at this time by the changes, though the Oregon State Housing Council will vote on expanding the reservation charge to include 4% LIHTC transactions at the August 2, 2013 meeting.


Updated Scoring Criteria for Michigan QAP

The Michigan State Housing Department Authority (MSHDA) has posted an updated version of the Scoring Criteria for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program to its website. MSHDA made this necessary update to modify the Cost Containment criteria to reflect new data that is now available following the completion of awards of 9% LIHTC from the 2013 allocation year. MSHDA also announced that the first competitive funding round for 2014 Low Income Housing Tax Credit will have an application submission deadline on August 15, 2013 at 5:00 P.M. EST.


Arizona Department of Housing Request for 2014 QAP Input

The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) is requesting input for its 2014 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP).

NH&RA News

NPS Announces Monthly Historic Preservation-Related Webinars

The National Park Service’s Technical Preservation Services recently announced a new series of free monthly educational webinars focusing on the historic tax credit program, the Secretary’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, technical preservation issues and other preservation-related subjects.


HUD Issues Section 202 SPRAC Awards Process

On July 2, 2013 HUD issued its “Notice of Senior Preservation Rental Assistance Contracts Award Process” (Notice), which specifies the process by which HUD will award Senior Preservation Assistance Contracts (SPRACs). The Notice also starts the application process, and solicits applications for a period of 60 days.

NH&RA News

CDFI Fund Releases New Data on NMTC Projects and Allocations

The Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund recently released updated data on New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) projects

NH&RA News

Harvard Releases 2013 State of the Nation’s Housing Report

Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) recently released the 2013 edition of its State of the Nation’s Housing report, which indicates positive housing market growth and an inclination that the housing recovery is well underway.

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