HUD published Notice Housing H-2020-09/PIH-2020-26 on providing supplemental COVID-19 guidance for PHAs and owners converting properties through RAD. The Notice describes the availability of Operating Fund Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds for public housing properties that have converted or that will convert in calendar year 2020 and that are still supported through public housing appropriations.
The Rural Housing Service (RHS) at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is proposing to amend its regulation to implement changes related to the development of a sustainable plan for the Rental Assistance (RA) program, including new RHS flexibilities in the managing of the RA distribution and integrate new asset management policies.
The Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund published a notice of allocation availability (NOAA), making $5 billion in New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) allocation authority available for the 2020 NMTC allocation round. Applications are due November 16.
NH&RA has joined more than 200 organizations in endorsing legislation introduced by Senators Brian Schatz (D-HI), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Dan Sullivan (R-AK), which would extend two key statutory deadlines for the 2020 Census by four months and require the Census Bureau to continue field operations through October 31, 2020.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued final regulations on the five-year period over which the Federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) may be claimed, along with other special rules for investment credit property.
The Federal Reserve will hold an open board meeting at 10 a.m. ET on September 21 to discuss a potential Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) reform.
HUD recently released Notice PIH 2020-23 outlining the eligible uses of Section 18 Disposition or Section 22 Voluntary Conversion funds Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) gain from the sale, transfer, ground lease or disposition of their properties.
HUD released an updated Policy Quick Reference Guide outlining significant multifamily operational requirements to assist owners following Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) assistance conversions to Section 8 Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA). Information provided in this guide does not apply to conversions of assistance pursuant to RAD Section 8 Project Based Vouchers.
Join the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency for a training session on affordable housing development and finance in rural communities.
The Senate reconvened yesterday, September 8 and the House of Representatives will be back in session next week. Both chambers have only a few working days to accomplish a myriad of tasks before they are set to adjourn before the elections: The House will adjourn on October 2 and the Senate will adjourn on October 9.
HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing is encouraging owners to inform residents of the eviction protections under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) order and the required declaration form. The National Housing Law Project (NHLP) is working with partners to translate the declaration form. The form is currently available in Spanish, Vietnamese and Arabic. A Virginia landlord filed a lawsuit on September 8 and requested a temporary restraining order against the CDC recent order.
The House Committee on Financial Services will hold a virtual roundtable at 3:00 pm ET on September 3 on Dismantling Barriers to Housing for America’s Seniors and People with Disabilities.