HUD is trying to reduce the time it takes to approve underwriters for Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP) and Section 232 lenders. Instead of getting written approval for each underwriter, MAP and Section 232 lenders will now designate a qualified individual as “Chief Underwriter,” and work with this person to designate and approve MAP and/or Section 232 underwriters on staff.
The Federal Housing Finance Agency is required to set annual housing goals for mortgages purchased by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. FHFA established the 2015-17 goals in a final rule.
HUD has published new HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and a revised National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Program FAQ.
HUD proposed a new way to conduct previous participation reviews of prospective multifamily housing and healthcare program participants. The recently proposed rule aims to clarify and simplify the process by which HUD reviews the previous participation of participants.
The HUD Office of Multifamily Southeast Region is now operating under HUD’s new model of consolidated, regional offices. The Regional Center in Atlanta and Regional Satellite Office in Jacksonville hosted kick-off events in celebration of the launch.
The Internal Revenue Service updated the Audit Technique Guide (ATG) for the low-income housing tax credit program. IRS examiners use this guide to audit LIHTC property owners.
Nancie-Ann Bodell has been selected to permanently lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight (OAMPO). Nancie-Ann has spent more than 25 years in the Office of Multifamily Housing at HUD.
Key housing programs are in serious jeopardy. Your elected officials will soon be back in your district for August recess and there’s no better time to reach out and show them the importance of the programs that support the development of affordable housing.
A report from the Government Accountability Office suggests that a joint administration between the IRS and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) would benefit the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program.
The Obama Administration announced a new solar initiative to increase access to solar energy, including low- and moderate- income communities, and expand opportunities join the solar workforce. Among several key components, the initiative aims to install 300 megawatts of renewable energy in federally-subsidized housing.
The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service released performance and quality standards that small wind energy property must meet to qualify for the renewable energy investment tax credit (ITC) or production tax credit (PTC).
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would help leverage private investment to fund upgrades to water and energy systems in aging HUD-assisted housing. The bill will go next to the Senate for consideration.