Enterprise will offer guidance on engaging members of Congress to restore funding to the HOME program through a series of statewide and national webinars. The Senate Appropriations Committee’s proposed cuts to HOME would essentially defund the program.
The Congressional Budget Office released an updated guide to federal housing programs, entitled Federal Housing Assistance for Low-Income Households (September 2015). For the first time, the guide includes the Rental Assistance Demonstration program.
The LIHTC and bond caps are the greater of $2.35 and $100, respectively, being multiplied by the state’s population, or a predetermined amount. The notice also indicates that rehabilitation expenditures will be treated as a separate new building.
The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund released the Notice of Allocation Availability for the calendar year 2015 round of the New Markets Tax Credit Program. Applications are due December 16.
House Financial Service Committee Chair Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) is looking for ways to improve HUD programs and USDA rural housing programs. Feedback is due Nov 1.
HUD established operating cost adjustment factors (OCAFs) for certain project-based assistance contracts with an anniversary date on or after February 11, 2016.
HUD updated the Rental Assistance Demonstration program Project-Based Rental Assistance Quick Reference Guide. The updated guide provides information on continuing Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) programs at PBRA properties.
The Internal Revenue Service divided $2.59 million in unused Low Income Housing Tax Credits from calendar year 2015 among 30 states.
HUD Office of Public Housing Investments issued a schedule for processing mixed-finance projects intending to close by the end of the 2015 calendar year.
HUD released answers to frequently asked questions about a recent notice that outlines a new methodology for completing a multifamily housing utility allowance.
The historic tax credit helped created 78,000 jobs and $3.4 billion income during FY 2014, according to a report from the National Park Service and Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.
Public housing authorities (PHAs) have more flexibility when setting flat rents that are based on fair market rents (FMR), following HUD’s interim rule PIH-2015-13, which was published September 8, 2015.