Federal / Agency News


Treasury Recommends Clarity, Expansion of Activities in CRA Modernization Memo

The memo points out that much has changed since CRA was enacted over forty years ago. Since that time, the rise of interstate banking, mortgage securitization advancements, and internet/mobile banking along with many other changes, have created a need for modernizing CRA.


RAD: HUD Provides New Resources on Conversion of Moderate Rehab Contracts

Several new resources on the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) for Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) owners are posted to the HUD Exchange.


HUD Releases 2018 Income Limits

The limits determine eligibility for assisted housing programs including Public Housing, Sec. 8 project-based, Sec. 8 Housing Choice Voucher, Sec. 202, and Sec. 811.

General News

Novogradac Blog Examines Implementation and Issues Regarding Income-Averaging

A recent Notes from Novogradac blog post discusses the implementation of the income averaging election set-aside for low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) properties created by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018.


GAO Finding: HUD Should Improve RAD Program Metrics

GAO makes five recommendations in the report, all of which HUD agreed with. The recommendations all relate to either improving leveraging metrics, monitoring enforcement of resident safeguards, and RAD compliance monitoring.

General News

Capital Magnet Fund 2017 Round Awards 40 Organizations $120 Million

The awardees include 25 certified Community Development Financial Institutions and 15 non-profit housing organizations. They will collectively serve 40 states and the District of Columbia.


Secretary Carson Pivots to Opportunity Zones in Budget Hearing

Opportunity Zones will provide a resource similar to the gap funding from the HOME program but “on steroids”, explains Carson.


Omnibus Has Potential to Reach Floor Thursday, Cantwell-Hatch Hangs in the Balance

Congressional leadership is anticipating a release of the omnibus language later today with potential for a House vote on Thursday.


HUD: MAP Guide Allows GP Interest to Secure Equity Bridge Loan

The MAP Guide enumerates securities for an equity bridge loan as a pledge of tax credits and/or limited partners’ or investors members’ interests in the project’s ownership entity. Questions subsequently arose as to whether a pledge of the general partner’s interest could also secure an equity bridge loan.

General News

Historic Tax Credit Creates 106,846 Jobs, $9.1 Billion in Investment in 2017

The National Park Service report includes a summary of state-by-state activity in 2017 as well as a breakdown of project sizes.  


HUD Implements CNA e-Tool Improvements

HUD recently rolled out System Release 2.2 and a revised assessment tool. These changes were based on user feedback and include missing flag notes.

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