Federal / Agency News


Bell Op Ed Calls on Senate to Confirm FHA Commissioner Nominee

In his 5/2/18 column for National Mortgage News, “Vote to confirm Trump’s FHA commissioner has been delayed too long,” NH&RA President and CEO Peter Bell says that despite having a qualified candidate ready to serve, Senate leadership on both sides of the aisle have ignored their responsibility to vote on Brian Montgomery’s nomination as Federal […]

General News

Aimee Jorjani Nominated to be Chairman of Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

Jorjani will serve as ACHP’s first full-time chairman, as the position changed from part-time to full-time with the enactment of the National Park Service Centennial Act in December of 2016.

General News

NPS Publishes 2017 Historic Tax Credit Annual Report, $5.8 Billion Private Investment

The National Park Service released is annual report, Federal Tax Incentives for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, which examines the 2017 fiscal year.


HUD Issues Memo Regarding RAD Delayed Submissions of Draft Closing Packages

Now, if a closing package is not received within two months of the date of HUD executing the RCC, the transaction will be placed in “Delayed Submission” status.


IRS Releases FAQ on Opportunity Zones, Taxpayers Will Self-Certify to Become Qualified Opportunity Fund

The document specifies that eligible taxpayers will self-certify to become a Qualified Opportunity Fund by filling out a form to attach to the taxpayer’s federal income tax return for the taxable year.


Secretary Carson Proposes Rent Increases, Work Requirements for HUD Programs

The proposed legislation would amend the Public Housing program as well as Section 8 Rental Assistance programs (Tenant-Based Rental Assistance/Housing Choice Vouchers (including project-based vouchers) and Project-Based Rental Assistance.

USDA Rural Development

Joel Baxley Appointed as New Rural Housing Service Administrator

On April 19, USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue announced his appointment of Joel Baxley to the Administrator position. Mr. Baxley will report directly to Anne Hazlett, Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development.


HUD Training for RAD Conversions

The Office of Multifamily Housing’s Recapitalization division invites you to join us for a RAD conference on May 17-18. While the conference is open to all, the content will be particularly geared towards preparing PHAs who are new participants in RAD to execute on well-planned and efficient conversions that best address local needs and priorities. […]

General News

RAD 2018 Closing Timelines and New Mod Rehab Contract Materials Released

An update from HUD’s Office of Recapitalization.


HUD Opens Registrations for CNA e-Tool Virtual Classroom Training

The CNA e-Tool Virtual Classroom Curriculum is designed to provide small groups of participants a chance to learn about and discuss aspects of the Assessment Tool and the Submission Portal.


Call to Action: Encourage Your Senator to Join Sign-On Letter Requesting $12.2 Billion for HUDs Project-Based Rental Assistance

Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) invite their colleagues to sign on to their “Dear Colleague” support letter requesting $12.2 billion in funding for HUD’s project-based rental assistance. Please encourage your senators to sign this letter.


HUD Awards $28 Billion in CDBG Disaster Recovery Funds

The $28 billion is a record high and comes from congressional appropriations made by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (PL 115-123).

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