Federal / Agency News


HUD Allocates $266 Million to HTF

The Housing Trust Fund is purposed with increasing and preserving the supply of rental housing affordable to those with incomes below 50% AMI as well as home ownership opportunities for families with extremely low and low incomes (0-30%AMI and 30-50% AMI).


HUD Hosting RAD for PRACs Listening Session June 7

HUD is interested in hearing from industry participants and stakeholders, including Section 202 project owners, about how you’ve been thinking and planning for conversions, and what issues HUD should consider when developing conversion program requirements for Section 202 PRACs.


IRS Revises Form 8609, Adds Income Averaging Election

Several states have already adopted policies for dealing with the income averaging election while still others remain in the policy formation and comment collection process.


Family Mobility Demonstration Legislation Moves Forward in House

The legislation would allow families living in HUD-supported housing to move to lower-poverty, higher-opportunity areas.


Family Self Sufficiency Program Permanently Reauthorized, Streamlined

On May 24, President Trump signed into law the Family Self-Sufficiency Act which was passed by the House on May 23 as part of a larger piece of legislation (S. 2155).


HUD Extends Deadline for Comment on Renewal Funding Inflation Factors Methodology

HUD’s recent Federal Register Notice announces the release of 2018 Renewal Funding Inflation Factors (RFIFs) used for allocating Housing Choice Voucher funds to PHAs.


C. Lamar Seats Named DAS for Multifamily at HUD; Senate Confirms Brian Montgomery as FHA Commissioner

HUD has announced that C. Lamar Seats as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs. Lamar brings more than 25 years of experience in commercial, market and affordable multifamily mortgage banking through his previous leadership roles with various lending institutions. Immediately before beginning his Federal career with HUD, Lamar was a Managing […]


HUD Suspends Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule Indefinitely

On May 23, HUD has issued three separate but related notices in the Federal Register indefinitely suspending the implementation of the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule and removing its Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) tool for local governments. This was achieved by withdrawing the Local Government Assessment Tool developed by HUD for use by local […]

General News

CDFI Fund Opens 2018 NMTC Funding Round, Apps Due June 28

The CDFI Fund recently released the Notice of Allocation Availability (NOAA) for the calendar year (CY) 2018 round of the New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC Program). The NOAA makes up to $3.5 billion in tax credit allocation authority available for the CY 2018 round.


HUD CNA e-Tool Virtual Classroom Trainings Announced, Registration Open

The Capital Needs Assessment (CNA) e-Tool Virtual Classroom Curriculum is designed to provide small groups of participants a chance to learn about and discuss aspects of the Assessment Tool and the Submission Portal.


Call to Action: Urge Your Representative to Co-Sponsor LIHTC Improvement Legislation

Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) is circulating a ‘Dear Colleague’ letter asking his House colleagues to cosponsor the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (H.R. 1661), bipartisan legislation that would strengthen the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit.


House Delays Action on White House Rescissions Affecting Prior HUD and RD Appropriations

The House has put off a vote on President Trump’s proposed rescission request, which recently passed legal muster under a Government Accountability Office study (only $134 million, all from the Transportation Department, was decided as improper to impound of the total $15.2 billion). House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) stated the reason is simply an […]

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