The notice poses 8 questions that HUD is specifically interested in hearing about from stakeholders as it determines how to streamline and enhance Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulations.
The bill would increase the per-capita LIHTC allocation from $2.70 to $2.90, increase the small-state minimum by $265,000 for a total minimum allocation of $3.365 million to small states, and other changes as well.
The additional authority would be reserved for Rural Job Zones. Furthermore, at least 25% of the additional authority would be set aside for persistent poverty counties and/or high migration rural counties.
The Senate today passed a four spending bill package (HR 6147), including its Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development bill (S. 3023) which would increase appropriations for HUD by 4% over last year’s funding amount, while the House version would increase HUD funding by roughly 2%.
The task force would be composed of 18 members, all of whom would be appointed in a bi-partisan fashion by majority and minority leaders of the House and Senate.
The tax credit would be available to renters earning less than $100,000, and the benefit shrinks as a tenant’s income rises.
Applications are due September 17.
The bill, sponsored by Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI), would authorize the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to carry out a housing choice voucher mobility demonstration to encourage families receiving such voucher assistance to move to lower-poverty areas and expand access to opportunity areas.
Florida’s Action Plan, which oversees $616 million, includes $100 million for workforce affordable rental new construction.
HUD recently published two Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) federal notices that codify FY 2018 Appropriations Act provisions (including authority for a substantial increase of public housing units) as well as revised HUD policies encompassing five innovations to improve RAD.
350 attendees packed HUD’s auditorium to learn about topics including resident rights and protections, the importance of strategic planning, and innovative uses of RAD to achieve local objectives.
The proposal would reorganize several aspects of the Federal Government, with affordable housing and GSE reform in the mix.