Affirmed Housing’s Arbor Green, where residents enjoy utilities for approximately $5 or less a month, earned honors from the U.S. Green Building Council.
With nearly two decades of experience in community development finance, Hoopengardner will guide the overall management and growth of NTCIC, a tax credit syndication firm.
Mr. Kirsch joins Greystone from Freddie Mac Multifamily, where he most recently served as Asset Management & Operations Client Relationship Manager for the Small Balance Loan Program.
HUD proposed a rule that would implement a smoke-free policy in all public housing, other than dwelling units in mixed-finance buildings. Comments on this proposed rule are due by January 19.
The workshop will be held to solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to Florida Housing’s Elderly Housing Community Loan. Funding under this RFA must be used to provide for life-safety, building preservation, health, sanitation, or security-related repairs or improvements to developments currently serving Elderly persons.
Maryland DHCD will hold a series of Regional Meetings to provide an overview of feedback received to date, solicit additional comments from a broader group of stakeholders, as well as to engage in a dialogue regarding revisions to the Qualified Allocation Plan and Multifamily Rental Financing Program Guide.
Workshop participants will engage in an introduction to the 2015 Enterprise Green Communities Criteria. Attendees will identify how to successfully address critical details of this Criteria in their own development projects.
The 2015 Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Workshop – Shreveport, LA is relevant to PHAs and other RAD stakeholders in HUD’s Region 4 and 6.
The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) will hold a presubmittal conference for the Request for Proposals (RFP) for program management services for selected Disaster Recovery Housing Programs on Thursday, November 19 from 9 a.m. to noon.
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs will hold a public hearing to accept public comment on the Draft 2016 State of Texas Consolidated Plan: One-Year Action Plan. The hearing will take place on Monday, November 16 at 2:00pm.
In order to improve specific underwriting criteria and set benchmarks in CHOICE projects, New Jersey HMFA’s Board recently approved additional changes to the CHOICE 2015 Program.
The Advance Review of Applicant and Developer Lists of Principals for RFA 2015-113 (Housing Credit Financing to Provide Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing that is a Part of Local Revitalization Initiatives) will begin on November 10, 2015.