Texas Department of Housing and Community Development will host a Multifamily Training on February 2-3, 2016.
MBS teamed up with Puerto Rico’s Department of Housing to launch a trial program that includes the development of mixed income housing. Three developments will each include a mix of units for very low- and low-income families, as well as market rate units.
Across the 20,000-project LIHTC portfolio, occupancy, debt coverage ratio, and cash flow has improved and the number of “underperforming” properties has gone down. CohnReznick will hold a webinar to discuss the report on Thursday, January 21 at 1:00pm ET.
HUD has released the AFFH Assessment Tool that local governments and their partners will use this tool to conduct and submit their own Assessments of Fair Housing if they receive CDBG, HOME, ESG, or HOPWA funds.
Catalina Vielma recently stepped in as NEF’s new vice president for public housing, after serving as branch chief at HUD and overseeing $1 billion in RAD construction activity since the 2013 launch of the program.
Priya Jayachandran is the new Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing at the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development. She stepped into the role on December 15, 2015, when Ben Metcalf moved on to lead the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
Chris LaGrand joined the Woda Group as Senior Vice President and Corporate Counsel. James Zambori, CPA, was promoted to Director of Accounting – Management.
The draft will be presented to the Housing Stability Council on Friday, January 8, 2015. If the Housing Stability Council approves, OHCS will open a formal, 30-day, public comment period.
Alabama Housing Finance Agency released the state’s final 2016 Qualified Allocation Plan. The 2016 AHFA Multifamily Funding application has not yet been released.
As the economy continues recovering from the Great Recession, the number of families and individuals who rent their homes instead of buying is growing.
CDBG Owner-Occupied Repair (OOR) Program applications are due May 13. HOME Program applications are due August 5.
If your organization is a non-profit organization and you develop housing for families and individuals with low incomes, and you are interested in receiving notices of potential surplus land you can sign up with OHCS.