IHFA will accept applications for 2016 LIHTCs through 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12. During this Application Period, approximately $1,014,000 in non-targeted annual tax credits will be available for reservation and open to competition from all developments.
IHFA clarifies the federal funding programs and government assistance for which developments can earn points.
Since PHFA anticipates being significantly oversubscribed with the number of applications versus resources, those developments awarded 2016 tax credits will be required to meet a closing and commencement of construction date of March 31, 2017.
The Fund requests that stakeholders submit the top three changes/suggestions that they would like to see in the 2017-18 QAP. Submissions are due to the Fund by no later than Tuesday, February 16.
While attending this seminar is not mandatory, those who participate will receive additional points on each application they submit during the 2016 HOME and Housing Credit program funding cycle.
HUD released answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Pay for Success Permanent Supportive Housing Demonstration. The demonstration aims to develop a model for a population continuously cycling between the criminal justice system and homeless services.
On Tuesday, January 5, HUD hosted a listening session focused on fair housing standards related to HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration program. Before attending the session, NH&RA Executive Director worked with our RAD User Group to compile feedback for HUD officials. During the session, developers, public housing authorities, and fair housing advocates provided comments to senior and program leadership from HUD offices involved in public housing, multifamily housing and fair housing.
Local governments and their partners who receive CDBG, HOME, ESG, or HOPWA formula funding from HUD will use the AFFH Assessment Tool.
Curtis will be based in New York City and will be responsible for executing business and fostering institutional investment relationships throughout New York and New Jersey, where he has invested in nearly 5,000 units of housing ranging from market rate and rent stabilized apartments to Mitchell-Lama, Section 8 and LIHTC properties.
The report explains how LIHTC works and who lives in the affordable rental homes financed by the credit. The report also describes various types of LIHTC properties and looks at the credit from the perspective of residents, state housing agencies, developers, investors and syndicators.
The volume presents certain federal and state tax incentives promoting the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. It includes the recent energy tax credit extensions in the 2015 PATH Act and the 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act.
Cazel takes on a new senior loan production role based in Chicago, and will focus on sourcing opportunities for both the proprietary lending and conventional agency businesses in the Midwest.