HUD is proposing to reduce 2016 FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums for affordable housing and green and energy efficient housing. HUD is accepting comments on the proposal through February 29. The changes would go into effect April 1.
Louisiana Housing Corporation will use the 9% applicable percentage on IRS Form(s) 8609 for any new building placed in service after December 18, 2015 and which is not federally subsidized. No change in the amount of Low-Income Housing Credits previously awarded or allocated by LHC to buildings placed in service after December 18, 2015 is anticipated.
Florida Housing will hold a workshop on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss a Request for Applications to finance the construction, retrofit and/or rehabilitation of small Permanent Supportive Housing Developments that are either Community Residential Homes or Supported Living Units.
At this time, Florida Housing is not proposing a specific definition of an “area of opportunity” or any particular method of incentivizing development in such areas. The Corporation invites the public to review the materials available on the website and to provide comments and suggestions to help identify areas of opportunity.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee estimates that its total federal credit ceiling is $93,025,488 for the year ahead. TCAC also has $60,942,981 in state credits available to allocate.
TCAC posted 2016 applications for 9% Competitive Tax Credits, 4% Competitive Tax-Exempt Bonds Combining Federal and State Tax Credits, and 4% Tax Credits with Tax-Exempt Bond Financing.
Churchill Stateside NC Tax Credit Fund IV, LLC, the fourth solar energy fund sponsored by CSG, financed five ground mounted, fixed tilt solar energy projects commissioned in December 2015.
The CDFI Fund received 238 applications for New Markets Tax Credit allocations from 43 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Guam. The CDEs requested more than 5 times the available authority of $3.5 billion.
Charles L. Adams has joined Pennrose Properties, LLC to establish and lead the company’s northeast region office in Boston, MA, and to oversee and manage development activities in the New England area.
R4 Capital announced the launch of R4 Capital Funding, a tax-exempt debt platform that provides mortgage capital for affordable multifamily housing properties.
West Virginia Housing Development Fund posted the list of HUD Designations of Qualified Census Tracts and Difficult Development Areas for the state of West Virginia in 2016.
West Virginia Housing Development Fund posted the agenda and registration form for its Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program 2016 Application Workshop. The workshop will be held on March 21-22, 2016. Registration forms are due no later than Monday, February 29.