Montana will host a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Training on March 23-25 in Missoula, MT.
CDFIs and qualified non-profits can use Capital Magnet Fund awards to create financing tools such as loan loss reserves, revolving loan funds, risk-sharing loans, and loan guarantees.
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced the the launch of a new initiative and $15 million in funding for energy efficiency at a WinnCompanies property where solar energy is currently being harvested and shared with those in need in the neighboring city of Lawrence, MA.
The platform, An Investment in Opportunity, offers a bold new vision for housing policy, with 23 discrete policy recommendations built around four strategies for reform.
The Coming Home Fund leverages Century’s experience with financing veteran housing with new federal and state programs devised to end veteran homelessness.
John Giannuzzi has lead Conifer’s Property Management Department since he joined the organization a year ago.
Affirmed Housing announced that its President and CEO, James Silverwood, will serve as Board Chair for the California Housing Consortium for 2016.
The new MAP Guide delegates more underwriting responsibility to approved “MAP lenders” and includes all relevant guidance published by FHA since the MAP Guide was last updated in 2011.
GOAL Program funding is designed to provide affordable housing for lower income households, seniors and special needs populations. Comments are due by 5:00 p.m. March 4, 2016.
Funds are available to CDFIs and qualified non-profit organizations. Capital Magnet Fund awardees are able to utilize funds to create financing tools such as loan loss reserves, revolving loan funds, risk-sharing loans, and loan guarantees. Applications are due March 16.
USA Properties Fund Inc. has received 2015 Builder of Hope awards for its contributions and efforts for the expansion and renovation of the Next Move Family Shelter Campus, a much-needed emergency homeless shelter for families in the Sacramento region.
NixonPeabody welcomed two attorneys, Meghan Altidor and Aaron Yowell, from its affordable housing practice to the firm’s partnership.