Thom Amdur Author Archives

USDA Rural Development

Joel Baxley Appointed as New Rural Housing Service Administrator

On April 19, USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue announced his appointment of Joel Baxley to the Administrator position. Mr. Baxley will report directly to Anne Hazlett, Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development.


HUD Training for RAD Conversions

The Office of Multifamily Housing’s Recapitalization division invites you to join us for a RAD conference on May 17-18. While the conference is open to all, the content will be particularly geared towards preparing PHAs who are new participants in RAD to execute on well-planned and efficient conversions that best address local needs and priorities. […]


President Signs Omnibus Legislation into Law, 10% Increase for HUD, LIHTC Improvements

On March 23, President Trump signed into law the 2018 omnibus spending bill (HR 1625). Bill language was released late Wednesday night and the House of Representatives and Senate subsequently passed the bill on Thursday. The news of passage comes shortly after President Trump threatened via Twitter to veto the bill on Friday morning. The […]

New Developments, Celebrating Local Leadership

On March 13, the National Low-Income Housing Coalition released a new report, “The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Rental Homes,” which finds that there is a shortage of 7.2 million affordable and available rental homes for extremely low income (ELI) households – a startling and sobering number.

New Developments, Who exactly is winning here?

Just last week, I was optimistic that this year’s federal budget cycle, dysfunctional though it is, might offer reasons for hope.

Member News

National Housing & Rehabilitation Association Announces New Directors and Officers; David Abromowitz Elected Chairman

  WASHINGTON (February 26, 2018) – David Abromowitz, Of Counsel at Goulston & Storrs P.C., in Boston Mass., was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Housing & Rehabilitation Association at NH&RA’s 2018 Annual Meeting last week in Palm Beach, Calif.  NH&RA is the leading professional association of companies and individuals who […]

New Developments, QAPs in 2018

Many state housing finance agencies are beginning work to tweak or, in some cases completely overhaul, their QAPs over the next few months.

New Developments, Year in Review, Year Ahead

2017 has been a year to remember for community development and affordable housing professionals.

New Developments, Act Now!

What I love most about the affordable housing industry is that it is populated by so many makers, doers and visionaries. Where most people see a piece of dirt, a blighted factory or a run-down apartment community, the tax credit developer seeks to fill an unmet societal need or market niche and conceives a future community.


HUD Launches New Section 8(bb) Preservation Tool

If a PBRA HAP contract is terminated or expires and is not renewed, HUD is authorized to transfer any remaining budget authority to either a new or an existing PBRA HAP contract to provide assistance to eligible families. HUD provides a list of potential properties which are eligible for an 8(bb) transfer, which will be useful to owners who are interested in transferring their PBRA budget authority.

NH&RA News

Bipartisan Policy Institute Issues Report on Positive Health Outcomes from LIHTC

A new report published by the Bipartisan Policy Institute, finds that properties financed through the LIHTC have contributed to social, economic, and educational benefits for communities and families, as well as helped reduce homelessness.


Novogradac & Company Provides Analysis of Jobs Lost Due to Affordable Housing Provisions in House Tax Reform Legislation

Novogradac & Company has expanded its recent analysis of the  currently drafted H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which would reduce the future supply of affordable rental housing by nearly 1 million rental homes, a loss of as much as two-thirds current affordable rental housing production. That significant reduction in housing production would also […]

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