The turnover in tax writers has implications for future tax policies and the direction of tax legislation as a new generation of Republican lawmakers on the tax-writing committees in Congress prepare to address and potentially revise the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). This new cohort of lawmakers is poised to shape tax policy in response to perceived shortcomings and to align it with current political and economic imperatives. K Street, a term referring to the lobbying industry, is preparing to defend business-friendly tax breaks, particularly the 21 percent corporate tax rate that the law made permanent. The law also made other breaks aimed at households temporary. Key focus areas include potential changes to corporate taxes, including rates and international provisions, and enhancements to child tax credits and their impact on families. There is also consideration of restoring or enhancing the SALT deduction, which was limited under the TCJA and has been a point of contention, especially in high-tax states. The efforts to revisit the TCJA reflect current political priorities and economic realities, with Republicans aiming to reshape tax policy in line with their agenda.