Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities

NH&RA and Tax Credit Advisor sponsorship and advertising are great ways to increase your company’s brand exposure and generate new revenue.

NH&RA offers several sponsorship and advertising opportunities to suit your individual needs. Click on the links below for more details:

  • Conference Sponsorship: Our events are attended by the top decision makers at the leading private and non-profit firms involved in the development and ownership of affordable rental housing, multifamily real estate and certified historic rehabilitation projects.
  • Digital Opportunities
    • Web Advertising: Housingonline.com gets an average of nearly 10,000 visitors per month.
    • HousingOnline Weekly E-Newsletter Advertising: NH&RA’s electronic newsletter distributed directly to the inboxes of more than 8,000 industry professionals every week.
    • Sponsored Webinars: Sponsor an NH&RA Town hall to both support the association and keep your brand top of mind. Sponsors will be included in communication and marketing of the webinar, while also receiving an attendee list for those that opt in.
  • Tax Credit Advisor Advertising:  The premier magazine for tax credit and affordable housing executives.

Questions?  Contact Natalie Matter Bellis at 717-580-8184 or [email protected].