New Hampshire Housing made the following updates to its compliance monitoring policies:
- Post Year 15 LIHTC Compliance and Monitoring Policy has been updated. The most significant change is to the Household File Review and Physical Inspection requirements, which effective Nov. 1, 2022, will allow New Hampshire to waive LIHTC file reviews and/or physical inspections if certain criteria are met. For properties that are eligible, Asset Management staff may be reaching out to request applicable information.
- Household Certification Requirements have been updated to reflect a new due date for all LIHTC tenant data submissions. Effective in 2022, all household tenant data is required to be submitted through the HDS Next Gen system no later than March 1 of each year.
- LIHTC Compliance Monitoring Fee Policy has been updated to reflect the current fee structure.
- For new LIHTC properties coming online, New Hampshire Housing updated its procedures so that properties are set up in the HDS Next Gen system on or around the Placed in Service date rather than following the issuance of IRS Form 8609. This will allow Owners/Agents to upload/enter tenant data in real time during initial lease up.