HUD announced the allocation of more than $2 billion ($2,040,617,000) in CDBG-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) and CDBG-Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) funds. This allocation is being made to ten states covering 15 separate major disasters that occurred calendar year 2020. The states, allocations and disasters covered are available below.
These funds will go to recover from and build resilience to natural disasters, including climate disasters, with a specific focus on low- and moderate-income populations. The funds are specified to be used for: “disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and housing, economic revitalization and mitigation, in the most impacted and distressed areas.”
State | Disasters Covered | Allocation |
Alabama | 4563, 4573 | $311,732,000 |
California | 4558, 4569 | $231,203,000 |
Florida | 4564 | $113,191,000 |
Iowa | 4557 | $56,940,000 |
Louisiana | 4559, 4570 | $594,931,000 |
Michigan | 4547 | $54,498,000 |
Mississippi | 4576 | $28,470,000 |
Oregon | 4562 | $422,286,000 |
Puerto Rico | 4473, 4560 | $184,626,000 |
Tennessee | 4476, 4541 | $42,740,000 |
Total | $2,040,617,000 |