The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has sent the 2013 Maryland Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and Multifamily Rental Financing Program Guide (Guide) to Governor Martin O’Malley for his signature. The final draft QAP reflects changes made in response to the comments received during the public comment period and public hearing for the third draft published on May 30, 2013.
Here are some changes from the May Draft QAP to the Final QAP:
- The Final QAP has been revised to define Transit-Oriented Development to include property any part of which is located
within one-half mile of a transit node that brings at least two bus lines or other forms of transit (excluding cars). The May draft defined Transit-Oriented Development as an area that involves property any part of which is located within one-half mile of the passenger boarding and alighting location of a planned or existing transit rail station. - Elderly persons transitioning from other State facilities or institutions have been added as an eligible target population for elderly projects after comments from the disability advocacy community recommended that this category be broadened.
- Waivers permit additional flexibility for scattered site family projects in areas of opportunity.
- Clarifies that Market Studies must follow NCHMA Standards to the extent that NCHMA standards are consistent with LIHTC standards.
- The threshold requirements for energy efficiency have been reworked to eliminate the specific Energy Star terminology and to instead reference achieving applicant- stated energy goals, DHCD energy requirements, and the State of Maryland adopted energy codes. This is in response to comments mentioning that 4% transaction would be difficult to work in the energy standard for preservation deals.
- The final draft reduces the mandatory Development Quality points for Multifamily Bond Projects to 10 from 15 and for FHA Risk Share Projects to 12 from 17.
- In the case of a joint venture, points will be awarded based on the capacity and experience of the controlling member of the joint venture. In the previous draft, the development team would be assessed for each member of the development team.
- Click here for more information regarding the 2013.
Applications for the CY 2013 Competitive Funding Round
will be due no earlier than October
15, 2013.
For more information on the QAP, please contact:
Diane Melton
Housing Development Programs
Community Development Administration
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
For more information regarding the 2013 Maryland QAP, please click here.