Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Commissioner Carole Galante recently announced leadership changes in the Office of Multifamily Housing including the resignation of Marie Head from the role of Multifamily Deputy Assistant Secretary. Marie is credited with launching the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit pilot program and the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), as well as implementing the Sustaining our Investments program. Marie will continue on at HUD after a leave of absence to lead the implementation of the Multifamily Transformation, the platform that will change the operating model and consolidate offices.
In the same notice, Commissioner Galante also announced that Ben Metcalf has been promoted to Multifamily Deputy Assistant Secretary to replace Ms. Head. Prior to joining HUD, Ben worked at BRIDGE Housing Corporation, where he was personally responsible for a number of high profile award-winning mixed-use and mixed-income projects. Since joining HUD three years ago, Ben has worked with a range of stakeholders and practitioners to inform the implementation of major policy initiatives launched during the first term.
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