The Ohio Housing Finance Agency announced several updates for its multifamily housing development programs.
OHFA announced two RFPs for Multifamily Bond Projects to request Gap Financing and Environmental Review Consultants.

  1. Multifamily Bond Gap Financing: A minimum of $3 million in funds has been made available for gap financing through its Housing Development Assistance Program. All projects are required to meet the 2013 Qualified Allocation Plan standards and the 2012 Housing Credit Gap Financing Guidelines. The maximum award will be up to $1,000,000 per project based on need. Funds are only available for those that have not yet received or applied for an allocation of Housing Tax Credits or HDAP. Proposals are due by October 4, 2012.
  2. Environmental Review Consultant(s): OHFA is seeking proposals from qualified independent firms to conduct environmental reviews for projects receiving HOME and Ohio Housing Trust Fund awards. OHDA wishes to contract with one or more firms to prepare the review records for submission and approval from the state and HUD for a two-year contract beginning no later than November 1, 2012 and ending October 31, 2014. Proposals are due by September 17, 2012.

OHFA has also released its Housing Credit Gap Financing Guidelines online. The guidelines are meant for housing credit applicants applying for funds through the Housing Development Assistance Program. The guidelines have been updated to align with the 2012 and 2013 Qualified Allocation Plans as well as the State of Ohio Consolidated Plan. They are meant to be used in conjunction with the 2012 and 2013 QAPs.

For more information on OHFA’s housing development programs, please visit: